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16 posters

    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads


    Male Posts : 19324
    Reputation : 2005
    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    Pro Admin [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Ape Sat Aug 06, 2016 2:48 pm

    First topic message reminder :

    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    As you know we have had a number of Complaints about our Ad's
    We are working hard with you and our ad's provider's to get this fixed and we are asking for you to help us find the ad's that are the problem.

    Here is a list of Ad's you are reporting to us:
    Inappropriate Ad's (sexual contents)
    Malicious Ad's

    If you have any of the following Ad's This is now the place to report them all.

    For us to do the job right we need some really important information from the Ad's and from you the members.

    The information we need:

    - Your country
    - Your IP address
    - Date and time when the ad appears
    - Url of your forum:
    - Ads displayed on PC, on tablet, on mobile (android, apple,...):
    - Url of your forum: URL of the ads
    - Image location (copy and then past here):
    - Screen shot of the Ad's:

    How to get the information we need for the ad's:
    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Ads_vi11
    - The link location (copy and then past here)

    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Ads_vi10
    - Link on the ads and copy-past the final link

    Thanks for your patience.

      For Pop up redirection Ad's :
    Please see the following thread

    Regards Forumotion Team

    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Left1212[ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Center11[ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Right112
    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Ape_b110
    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Ape1010

    Male Posts : 19324
    Reputation : 2005
    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Ape Wed Mar 15, 2017 5:46 pm

    Hello I have merged this topic as its already open to a problem please read the first thread and post the right data we have asked for.

    Thank you.

    Please read our forum rules: ESF General Rules

    Last edited by APE on Thu Mar 16, 2017 12:04 am; edited 1 time in total

    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Left1212[ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Center11[ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Right112
    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Ape_b110
    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Ape1010

    Male Posts : 51498
    Reputation : 3523
    Language : English
    Location : United States

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by SLGray Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:12 pm

    Topic Merged With this One.

    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Slgray10

    When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
    Never post your email in public.

    Female Posts : 90
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Dragongirl02 Sun Mar 26, 2017 10:25 pm

    I’ve not heard an update from @Chapo in awhile. Seem the wheel ads are not appearing as of this post, but I could be wrong. I would move sooner if I had time to research new host candidates but my schedule is a little bit too busy to do so. That’s the only reason you have to June to July to prove you aren’t supporting scams by allowing scam banners ads to be around the forum sites.
    Plus you will also need to:
    1. Step up the pace other sites I’m on are way faster in getting rid of these bad banner ads then you are. Seems other only take about a week you are about to go past a half a year soon and not all the old ones are gone. Plus I’m seeing new ones scammers seem to be after Walmart again.
    2. If you must have the annoying pop-ups, make sure they are not going to bad sites.
    I was just testing it on my phone and I got a fake virus warning from Google and that’s one example of something that I can’t allow. Also, make sure it easy to navigate back to the original page. Most people get annoyed if the redirected to a page they did not want to be sent to and can't get back to the intended location, have the opening in a new tab/window could solve that.

    As of this time, I’m still thinking I mad a big mistake in trusting you folks, during the move to here I was in a bit of a rush. If you can't complete the above three task by June-July I will most likely be moving again. As for, the ad credits I bought I will just have to put down a loss. At this time you will also be labeled as a bad host that lies and supports scam banner ads and pop-ups. In order to prove you are not scam banner ad supporters, you will need to fix all the above issues before June. Since in June I will have time to check out new host if
    you have not proven yourself and move to a new host.

    Female Posts : 90
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Dragongirl02 Sat Apr 22, 2017 2:01 am

    Glad to see the nasty banner ad scams are gone for now.

    It randomly happens sometimes and the iPhone not always hooked into the laptop when the incidents happen. The scams have gotten me so bad I try to avoid going onto the site in public places but that what the mobile version should be for. However it is harder if all pop up are scam and the page is not loading the intended page at all.

    I still consider the pop-up scams, redirects since it is loading a page the user did not request instead of the request page, Worst of all they are scams.

    Something, like a pop up to the legit Amazon site in the background with the page loading the proper page as well in the main tab/window. Would be at least tolerable.

    -Country: USA
    -Device: iPhone
    Type: Pop-up scam
    Action: Trying to log in. Instead, I get a scam pop-up on the iPhone and the page does not load at all.
    Browser: iPhone Safari

    Scam pop up page url:

    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 FPILxiy
    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 PGJoLyn
    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 R7dz05T

    Debug data:
    Grabbed the full log if needed. Though I’ll need to figure out how to get it over to you.

    Posts : 44
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by David1501 Fri Apr 28, 2017 11:37 pm

    Country: USA
    Device: iPad, Android

    From one of our posters:

    "I don't have any problem logging on with my desk top computer but for some reason I'm not being able to log on with my iPad. I have been using my android to post replies but as of last night I can't seem to log onto Bach chat forumotion with my android without getting a reply that now I have Four virus due to going on adult sites....but problem is I have never been on adult sites! And it only does it when I try to log onto Bach chat forumotion. Is this site somehow now linked with adult sites? I just want to use my iPad and be done with it. Problem is not being able to log in with the username and password I have had on that site for years."

    Female Posts : 90
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Dragongirl02 Fri May 05, 2017 8:59 am

    Not looking good here I just got that same scam pop up I last reported to you. Seem to be an indication that you are spam supporters and that I mad a big mistake. You need to get rid of that and fast as you are running out of time to prove yourself as none spam supporters.

    Site info is the same as my previous post as is the action.
    Scam sites URL:


    Male Posts : 19324
    Reputation : 2005
    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Ape Fri May 05, 2017 2:16 pm

    Thank you for your help we are working hard with our ad's providers to getting this stopped but some do slip in still but with your help we are getting this fixed and we are seeing less and less posts here now about the problem.

    kind regards.


    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Left1212[ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Center11[ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Right112
    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Ape_b110
    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Ape1010

    Female Posts : 90
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Dragongirl02 Sat May 06, 2017 7:34 am

    The only reason the reports have slowed down from me is I’m getting a bit tired of repeating myself beside looking back at this topic ( ) I’ve been doing the pop-up/redirect reports from December 18th, 2016 (or earlier if you count the unrelated popup/redirect scams) most are in the other topic since, like I said before even if you folks don’t count the pop-ups as redirects, I do. As it’s opening a page the user did not request and not going to the requested page. Beside lately it’s the same scam just a variation of it depending on the person’s/my location.

    June is less than a month away and at that time a lot of factors will be taken into consideration.
    1. Scams on here mostly gone?
    2. Do, other forums do the Https free? (most game sites seem to be converting without problems or needing members to pay a fee).
    3. Has the pace of reports and dealt time been speeding up on here?
    4. Can members log-on/browse with mobile devices without getting annoyed by pop-ups/redirects.
    5. Can other hosts handle image heavy post?
    6. Do copy/pasted links come out clean and not spam looking?

    Was able to force it to reproduce the scam pop-up again well the iPhone was linked up with the computer, and it’s still hijacking the mobile’s login on my iPhone. I can’t log in unless I bookmark the login page or switch to classic mode. Neither of those actions should be needed though.

    -Country: USA
    -Device: iPhone 6s
    -Browser: Safari mobile
    -Wi-Fi or cellar data: Wi-Fi
    -type: pop-up and hijacked login link
    -Action: Attempting to log in on mobile
    -Result: pop up after clicking the drop down to attempt to login on mobile.
    Scam site url:
    spoofing: Facebook (I doubt they would be happy about that.)
    Same as the post from
    (April 21st, 2017, 8:01 pm)
    Still working on that type of stuff Safari web data is not as easy to capture, for debugging but if there is any hope of stopping this scam fast I think it’s in the code.

    Edit (May 7th 2017, 1:53 am fourm time): It’s get harder to replicate as it seems to mostly happen once per day now. I’m still trying to see if I can force it to do it again a couple times per day. The sooner the scams are gone the better and if I can get some data over the weekend hopefully it will help.

    In my hunt to get it to do that pop up again as I logged in I got the orange wheel one (if you need the screenshot, it’s the same orange one from here: )


    Female Posts : 90
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Dragongirl02 Thu May 11, 2017 5:46 am

    Site: h
    -Country: USA
    -Device: macOS Sierra 10.12.4
    -Browser: Mac Firefox 53.0.2 (64-bit)
    -Website Mode: Desktop
    Notes/reason: I was not Logged in (besides if I was logged in there is ad protection. Starting to wish I had done it for all instead of logged in members only)
    Activity before running into the ad: I had been browsing some other sites when I managed to load my main forum site unintentionally but maybe it was a good thing it happened.

    Ran across this ad which I say is a sketchy ad (MacKeeper). A lot of people say their practices of getting installed are questionable (hiding in other software) and it is like nearly impossible to remove (uninstall) all trace of it once it gets installed.

    Sketchy ad’s URL

    Sketchy ad’s image code

    Screen shot of Sketchy ad
    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 AkengJC

    Eek! Saw a fake flash pop-up not sure if that one was from forumotion though had other sites open too, so going to ingnore it for now but will be watching closer now, as you are still the top suspect with pop-ups scam issues. (Will be scannin compture shortly too maybe something bad got on to it.)

    Third of all,
    On a side note:
    If I’m up to it I’ll edit in another report for the mobile log in problems from the test site.

    The hunt to see if there is a better more relible and tustworthy host for the main fourm site will begin again soon. Yes I won't move that fourm till June/July. However, I will consider keeping the test site up and assiting with the logg in scam issues. Friendly Forest is in too much dangner if it stayas on here much longer with all the scams. Maybe in a few years you folks will have impoved a lot and perhaps depending on what happens in the future maybe I'll create some other site.
    Edited ~May 11th 2017, 3:15 am
    Found something a little more of what's really going on. You know the 3 menu
    lines that pull down the menu on mobile the scam the pop ups are not letting the forum site(s)'s pull the menu down and that's what really being hijacked.
    Well here today stuff

    -Country: USA
    -Device: iPhone
    Connection type: wifi
    Type: Pop-up scam
    Action: Trying to get the pull down to log in. Instead, I get a scam pop-up on the iPhone and the forum page does not give me the menu
    Browser: iPhone Safari

    The pop up scam came out as a different one this time. Though the scammer are trying to tarnish Walmart name by using it for their scams again. Walmart seems to be targeted a lot for scams.

    URL of pop up:

    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 8wpc8l7

    There is a continuation here as I logged in the site fully redirected off the test forum.

    Female Posts : 90
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Dragongirl02 Sat May 20, 2017 9:04 pm

    Site: h
    -Country: USA
    -Device: macOS Sierra 10.12.4
    -Browser: Mac Firefox 53.0.2 (64-bit)
    -Website Mode: Desktop
    Notes/reason: I was not Logged in (besides if I was logged in there is ad protection. Starting to wish I had done it for all instead of logged in members only)
    Activity before running into the ad: I had been browsing some other sites when I realised I need something from my site. As load the page up

    For myself, if I don’t want to see the sketchy mac keeper ads (got another one but forgot to copy paste details) I can turn my Ad Block on and I found one for my cell too. However not ALL are able to do these things and I’m not sure all cell phone have stronger ad blocking aps yet.

    Ack! As I’m trying to get something from main forum site and this money scam pops up. Not looking good here, as it does make it look like some Nasty malware has gotten installed on your end maybe it has for all I know.

    Url of scam page that came up:
    Screent shot:
    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Q1hK2Jd

    Current ad on the page might be a suspect:
    ad imgs code:
    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 BUeC8ml

    I really don't want to have to explain why you folks are so slow to deal with scam ads/rederict, as even I don't know that answer myself. If the URL where to be blocked for malware due to all the scams, I would most likely need to explain how it's been fix and why it was so slow to be fixed if I wanted it remove and there is a chance it won't be removed hence a permeant URL block. That would not be good would it?

    Last edited by Dragongirl02 on Sun May 21, 2017 1:22 am; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 51498
    Reputation : 3523
    Language : English
    Location : United States

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by SLGray Sat May 20, 2017 9:11 pm

    The ad in the first image is all over the Internet. I have seen it on sites with videos.

    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Slgray10

    When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
    Never post your email in public.

    Female Posts : 90
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Dragongirl02 Sun May 21, 2017 1:31 am

    With some video sites, I can understand some sketchy ads like Mac Keep, but not on a forum. Don't know how they get on forums and not happy about it.
    I'm just extremely concerned. Say someone less knowledgeable where to download it thinking it's a safe scanner and then wants to uninstall and has a hard time. I could get blamed for their computer having to be taken to a repair shop due to that misleading ad. That's a headache I don't need or want.

    Male Posts : 51498
    Reputation : 3523
    Language : English
    Location : United States

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by SLGray Sun May 21, 2017 2:43 am

    You could post an announcement stating not to download any ads.

    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Slgray10

    When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
    Never post your email in public.

    Female Posts : 90
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Dragongirl02 Sun May 21, 2017 6:26 am

    It might work but still, it could still happen despite the announcement. At this rate, it might not matter as it looks like my main forum site for it own safety will be forced to move again once I find a more suitable host for it. Things on my minds right now are lawsuits and malware URL bans worries because of the slow nature of fixing spam/scam stuff on your end. Most might not know the host has ad issues and, I’m not in full control of said server ads. I do have ad removal for logged in member and do regret not doing it for all now, as if I were to do it now I would have to pay extra to extend the ad block to all and it may not work fully as a lot of the pop-up ads are scams ads. (Hate the ones that spoof Facebook, to make it look legit.)

    Female Posts : 90
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Dragongirl02 Tue May 30, 2017 9:38 pm

    Narrowly AVOIDED falling for this scam.

    -Country: USA
    -Device: macOS Sierra 10.12.5
    -Browser: Mac Google Chrome Version 58.0.3029.110 (64-bit)
    -Website Mode: Desktop
    -type: Pop-up
    Notes/reason: I was not Logged in and the main issue seem to be with the Login Link being Hijacked by these scams.
    spoof: Pretending to be Media Player needing an update

    Scam site's URL:

    Screen shot of scam site:
    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 06gPT1Q


    Female Posts : 90
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Dragongirl02 Sat Jun 24, 2017 4:59 am

    Also did the test with the main site and like I said earlier in the redirect post the pull down is still hijacked by a pop-up and this one was a scam. How can I safely invite others over to the main site if I keep getting these scams pop up? If I'm getting it these scams. It means my members would be getting it too. I can't allow this as it would hurt my reputation and make it look like I support scams.
    Not everyone has admin control over their cell and the same fact is true with computers too. If everyone did have admin control over all the devices they used. I would tell them to just install ad-block on them. Though not sure all cells have ad block apps. I only stumbled upon one for iPhone a few months back trying to deal with giant sized ads on another site. I just happend to noticed it help with the scam on her too. I disable it temporarily to do these reports. Well I search for a more trusworthy host.
    Though you might still be able to get into the the running but you will need to get the scam pop up/redericts scam to stop and keep them from hijacking the mobiles pull down menu. The seach for a new host has been mad harder due to Viglink which is also a no as it makes a gaint copy paste mess that apears spamy. Your's site doesen't have the gaint copy paste mess but it is still having massive spam problemes.

    -Country: USA
    -Device: iPhone 6s
    -Browser: Mobile Safari
    -type: Pop-up
    Notes/Reason: Not logged in the pull down is still being hijacked by spam pop ups.


    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 EvAQRD8

    Male Posts : 10113
    Reputation : 923
    Language : English
    Location : USA

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by brandon_g Sat Jun 24, 2017 1:05 pm

    Dragongirl02 wrote:It might work but still, it could still happen despite the announcement. At this rate, it might not matter as it looks like my main forum site for it own safety will be forced to move again once I find a more suitable host for it. Things on my minds right now are lawsuits and malware URL bans worries because of the slow nature of fixing spam/scam stuff on your end. Most might not know the host has ad issues and, I’m not in full control of said server ads. I do have ad removal for logged in member and do regret not doing it for all now, as if I were to do it now I would have to pay extra to extend the ad block to all and it may not work fully as a lot of the pop-up ads are scams ads. (Hate the ones that spoof Facebook, to make it look legit.)

    I think it would be very hard for someone to sue over that. They would first have to definitively prove, without a doubt that what caused their pc to crash came from your site, which is incredibly difficult to do as there are many of places where can get viruses on ones pc these days.

    Also, there havent been a single report of any of our ads causing pcs to crash or catch viruses at all. I have run scans on my site with my anti virus software after the ads come up and it always comes up clear, it hasnt come up with a danger warning at all yet.

    None the less we do our best to fix the ads and get re directing/scammy ones off as fast as possible.

    Just bare in my mind that our team does have alot of stuff they have to do, like maintence work, setting up new features, fixing bugs and the like and this is just one of many things our team has to do. Please just keep being patient and they will be removed, I think our team has done their best so far to show they are trying to remove them all.

    Just please keep being patient and keep reporting them. Wink


    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Brando10
    Remember to mark your topic [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Solved15 when a solution is found.
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    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Scre1476
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    Male Posts : 19324
    Reputation : 2005
    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Ape Sat Jun 24, 2017 1:29 pm

    i will just add one more thing to what brandon has said.

    We do not host the ad's our self they are a third party and we are working hard with them to keep them sort of popup's and ad's down and yes some get past the net but we only know of them if you the member report them to us. then with the right info we can pin point them and get them removed in a matter of days or even hours or minuets,

    so if the data we ask for is right we have the power to block it and then your site will not have the problem's.

    I will tell you this thou it's not just our site's it's even the bigger world wide sites get them even google and facebook it's self have them.

    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Left1212[ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Center11[ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Right112
    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Ape_b110
    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Ape1010

    Male Posts : 6916
    Reputation : 795
    Language : Greek, English

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by TheCrow Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:22 am

    - Url of the forum:
    - Ads displayed on PC, on tablet, on mobile (android, apple,...): PC
    - Image location (copy and then past here):
    - Screen shot of the Ad's: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Bms_hockey_728x90_1112

    This report was posted on the GSF and was forwarded here.

    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Thecro10
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    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Guest Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:11 pm

    Advertisement url:

    No screenshot needed way to inappropriate for forumotion terms

    Were advertisement happened url:

    has very sexual content in advertisement

    Male Posts : 16208
    Reputation : 1832
    Language : French, English

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Shadow Fri Jul 28, 2017 8:51 am

    Hello , thanks everybody for your reports !

    @Dragongirl02 , after we checked your case, we understood where the problem comes from : when a forum doesn't have activity at all, they might sometimes show pop-up advertisings on mobile. This is a nomal situation, if you post 4 or 5 posts on your forum you won't have this ad anymore Smile

    @Nape4 , could you please tell me when and around which time you got that ad please ? Also, if in your browser history you can find all the links that you got between your Servimg and this ad that would be amazing (usually there's a URL no one see and that you can only find in your historic, between the URL you were on and the ad URL Wink ) Thank you !

    @Luffy If you could find the same thing as Nape4 that would be amazing, thank you Very Happy


    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Guest Mon Jul 31, 2017 12:56 am

    Mind you I work with Wii U console not laptop or mobile.
    Console has no history time or saves links.

    Wii U consoles allow cookies which what makes forumotion work on console devices.

    I get the ad at random times when I login my forumotion or servimg the advertisement url I posted is viewable by console devices if laptop or high grade mobiles can't view it.

    Still advertisement links are viewable by any device you work with an the bladeofqueens had a 17+ Inappropriate to advertisement there game its extremely annoying an very adult inappropriate an its not age appropriate.

    Mind you laptop an mobile can ad block. Consoles don't have that pleasure.
    shore advertisements is what makes forumotion going but inappropriate seeing it on a console were you have no control over when if it appears on you is annoying. there must be a better way to still follow advertisement rules while keeping a 100% free site you don't want pay money to remove ads. I can see most users put a ad remove but for peet sake inappropriate is not fun.

    Female Posts : 90
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Dragongirl02 Sat Aug 12, 2017 4:31 am

    It’s looking more and more like you folks are trying to push my main forum site off yours by not doing anything with the pull down on mobile being hijacked by scam pop-ups ads. So my only other option is to find a new host which is a bit harder than I thought with a lot of other sites partnering with Viglink but I am starting to think the lesser of the two “evils” (Scams ads vs. glitchy Viglink links) would be Viglinks (I know how to control the copy/paste URLs now with Viglink around so pasting appears as a clean link).

    Last edited by Dragongirl02 on Sat Aug 12, 2017 6:45 am; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 51498
    Reputation : 3523
    Language : English
    Location : United States

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by SLGray Sat Aug 12, 2017 5:11 am

    Shadow wrote:Hello , thanks everybody for your reports !

    @Dragongirl02 , after we checked your case, we understood where the problem comes from : when a forum doesn't have activity at all, they might sometimes show pop-up advertisings on mobile. This is a normal situation, if you post 4 or 5 posts on your forum you won't have this ad anymore Smile

    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Slgray10

    When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
    Never post your email in public.

    Female Posts : 90
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    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Dragongirl02 Sat Aug 12, 2017 7:11 am

    @SLGray and @Shadow
    I see the note.
    Sadly I can't open the site up fully to my friends or go fully public unless some things are done with the scam ads and pop up hijacking the pull down first. If I tried to do a stronger advertisement right now with said issues, my forum site would be at high risk of getting URL blocked permently, due to supposed malware (due to the scam pop ups) and I can't think of five thing to post on my own.
    Though, one could be about this pop scam ad mess and my issues finding a new host due to Viglink and Viglink being the lesser of the two evils. (which I am about to do.)
    There is a possible way of doing the four other posts but it would have to be an extremely desperate situation for me to do so and how can I guarantee the scam won't affect my users in the future. I think I'm going to first look at an alternative hosting, however, if no luck/other resolutions by September I will consider things desperate and may do said posts.

    Male Posts : 51498
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    Location : United States

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by SLGray Sat Aug 12, 2017 6:27 pm

    Dragongirl02 wrote:@SLGray and @Shadow
    I see the note.
    Sadly I can't open the site up fully to my friends or go fully public unless some things are done with the scam ads and pop up hijacking the pull down first. If I tried to do a stronger advertisement right now with said issues, my forum site would be at high risk of getting URL blocked permently, due to supposed malware (due to the scam pop ups) and I can't think of five thing to post on my own.
    Though, one could be about this pop scam ad mess and my issues finding a new host due to Viglink and Viglink being the lesser of the two evils. (which I am about to do.)
    There is a possible way of doing the four other posts but it would have to be an extremely desperate situation for me to do so and how can I guarantee the scam won't affect my users in the future. I think I'm going to first look at an alternative hosting, however, if no luck/other resolutions by September I will consider things desperate and may do said posts.
    Well, you could just give out the link to a couple friends, so they can help with the posts.

    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Slgray10

    When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
    Never post your email in public.

    Male Posts : 19324
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    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Ape Sun Aug 13, 2017 8:35 pm

    Hello @Dragongirl02 you can always make 3 or 4 fake accounts on your forum and use them to post in a forum of your pick then this will get your post count up a little then the popup ad's will stop for you as for the other ad's well you need to give us as much data about them ad;s as you can then we will get on with removing them.
    With out that data we have asked for we can not find the rogue ad's and report them to our ad's hosts.

    king regards

    APE and the team.

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    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Ape_b110
    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Ape1010
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    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by stvbaker Tue Aug 22, 2017 11:40 pm

    - Url of your forum:
    - Ads displayed on PC, on tablet, on mobile (android, apple,...): On Macs and PCs
    - Image location (copy and then past here): I don't know what this means.
    - Screen shot of the Ad's: I have a screenshot on my Macbut don't know how to add it to this comment or whether it should be a PDF or a jpeg. Please let me know how to do this. Thank you.

    Male Posts : 19324
    Reputation : 2005
    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by Ape Tue Sep 05, 2017 11:11 am

    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Captur57


    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Captur58


    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Left1212[ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Center11[ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Right112
    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Ape_b110
    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Ape1010
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    Pro Admin Re: [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads

    Post by stvbaker Tue Sep 05, 2017 3:50 pm

    APE, thanks, but I'm wondering if you could be a little more cryptic. I can almost understand what you've said here, but I would prefer being even more confused! [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 1f600

    So I will try inserting the image here:
    [ONLY TOPIC] Malicious / Inappropriate Ads  - Page 3 Screen10

    Hey, it worked! This screen shot is of a pop-up browser window and was accompanied by a voice saying my computer had been hacked, blah, blah, blah. I have no clue if this will help you identify the original ad on the Login page which had the hack code in it and that caused this pop-up window to appear. There is no real way for me to catch the original ad. Please let me know if this image is helpful or not, and perhaps you can give me some guidance on the specific information you would have preferred to get with this image. That will help me know what to grab if it happens again.


      Current date/time is Sun Sep 22, 2024 11:28 am