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Ace 1
Ch@lo Valdez
14 posters

    Ajax reply - all versions

    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Fri 7 Oct - 0:52

    Hi, i wrote my own code to reply without refresh the page, this code works in all version, one code for all forums.
    Before, you need "allow external forms" in security tab, on your administration panel.
    Ajax reply - all versions Captur24
    if your language isn't english you need change this line:

    Your message has been entered successfully
    from here:

    Ajax reply - all versions Captur15


    10.11.2016 09:00:18 the code has been updated. New system notification.
    Old version:

    UPDATE 09:32:53 06.01.2018 = for all version


    //----- Written by Chalo ------ Open Source 2014-2018 -----//
    //---------- --------------//
    //------------------- Version: 2.02 ----------------------//
    var os = {
        lang: {
            success_reply: 'Your message has been entered successfully',
            flood: 'Flood control is active on this forum, please wait 10 second(s) before replying or posting',
            error_reply: 'Try again',
            words_reply: 'You need 5 letters at least',
            button_send_reply: 'Send data...',
            notice_original: 'No predefined text',
            placeholder: 'Write something...',
            wait_notice: 'Please be patient, sending data to the server',
            color_a: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #febbbb 0%,#fe9090 45%,#ff5c5c 100%)',
            color_b: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffaf4b 0%,#ff920a 100%)',
            color_c: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #87e0fd 0%,#53cbf1 40%,#05abe0 100%)',
            color_d: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ff3019 0%,#cf0404 100%)',
            color_e: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #d2ff52 0%,#91e842 100%)'
        control: {
          // change this text exactly like is display in your language board;
            success_reply: 'Your message has been entered successfully',
            flood: 'Flood control is active on this forum, please wait 10 second(s) before replying or posting',
        length_reply: 5,
        init: function () {
            os.isTheme = /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname);
            os.phpbb2 = document.getElementsByClassName('bodylinewidth').length;
            os.modernbb = document.getElementsByClassName('modernbb').length,
            os.form_reply = os.isTheme &&;
            os.button_reply = os.isTheme &&;
            os.button_value_reply = os.isTheme &&;
            os.textarea = os.isTheme &&;
            os.action_reply = os.isTheme &&;
            os.intance = os.isTheme && $(os.textarea).sceditor('instance');
            os.isTheme && (os.form_reply.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[1].placeholder = os.lang.placeholder);
            os.isTheme && os.send_post()
        notice_div: function (e, t) {
            var o, n, s, l, i;
            i = document.getElementsByClassName('notice_reply');
            n = document.getElementsByClassName('sceditor-group')[0];
            s = n.parentNode, o = i.length ? i[0] : document.createElement('DIV');
            l = 'height:20px;line-height: 1.5;border-radius: 3px; text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.46)';
            !i.length && (o.classList.add('notice_reply'), = l, s.insertBefore(o, n));
   = 'block';
            o.innerHTML = 'undefined' == typeof e ? os.lang.notice_original : e;
   = 'undefined' == typeof t ? os.lang.color_a : t;
            setTimeout(function () {
                'block' == && ( = 'none')
            }, 1000)
        vT: function (h) {
            var i, g = h.getElementsByTagName('a');
            for (i in g) {
                /\/viewtopic/g.test(g[i].href) && (os.view_url = g[i].href)
        sZ: function (b) {
            var a, i, j, l, s = [];
            if ('object' == typeof b && 'FORM' == b.nodeName) {
                l = b.elements.length;
                for (i = 0; l > i; i++)
                    if (a = b.elements[i], && !a.disabled && 'file' != a.type && 'reset' != a.type && 'submit' != a.type && 'button' != a.type)
                        if ('select-multiple' == a.type)
                            for (j = b.elements[i].options.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) a.options[j].selected && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.options[j].value));
                        else('checkbox' != a.type && 'radio' != a.type || a.checked) && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.value))
            return s.join('&').replace(/%20/g, '+');
        sC: function (o, e, t, s) {
            e = e || 500, s = s || window;
            var a = o.clientHeight < 150 ? o.clientHeight * 2 : o.clientHeight < 300 ? o.clientHeight : o.clientHeight > 400 && '',
                n = s.scrollTop - a || window.pageYOffset - a;
            if ('number' == typeof o) var r = parseInt(o);
            else var r = os.gT(o, n);
            var l =,
                i = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function (o) {
                    window.setTimeout(o, 15)
                a = function () {
                    var c = - l;
                    s !== window ? s.scrollTop = os.pS(n, r, c, e) : window.scroll(0, os.pS(n, r, c, e)), c > e ? 'function' == typeof t && t(o) : i(a)
        eC: function (t) {
            return t < .5 ? 4 * t * t * t : (t - 1) * (2 * t - 2) * (2 * t - 2) + 1
        pS: function (o, e, s, r) {
            return o + (e - o) * os.eC(s / r)
        gT: function (o, e) {
            return 'HTML' === o.nodeName ? -e : o.getBoundingClientRect().top + e
        XML: function (a, b, f) {
            var c;
            c = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest : window.ActiveXObject && (new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'));
            'undefined' != typeof a ?'POST', b) :'GET', b, true);
            c.responseType = 'document';
            c.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
            c.send('undefined' != typeof a ? a : '');
            c.onreadystatechange = function () {
                this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200 && (f(this));
        last: function (a) {
            return a[a.length - 1]
        cover: function (c) {
            var a = document.getElementsByClassName('sceditor-resize-cover')[0];
   = c != false ? 'block' : 'none';
            a.innerHTML = c != false ? c : '';
            if (c != false) {
       = '#fff';
       = '20px';
       = '12';
       = 'center'
        send_post: function () {
            var e, t, o, n, s, l, i;
            n = os.intance;
            os.form_reply && (os.button_reply.onclick = function () {
                if (n.val().length > os.length_reply) {
                    os.button_reply.value = os.lang.button_send_reply;
                    os.XML(os.sZ(os.form_reply) + '&notify=on&&post=1&prevent_post=1', os.action_reply, function (x) {
                        t = x.responseXML;
                        o = t.body.innerHTML.indexOf(os.control.success_reply);
                        i = t.body.innerHTML.indexOf(os.control.flood);
                        e = os.view_url;
                        l = e && e.match(/(\w+)$/g)[0];
                        s = l && l - 1;
                        if (i > 0) {
                            os.notice_div(os.lang.flood, os.lang.color_b);
                            os.button_reply.value = os.button_value_reply;
                        } else if (0 > o) {
                        } else {
                            os.new_post(e, l, n, s);
                            os.button_reply.value = os.button_value_reply;
                            os.notice_div(os.lang.wait_notice, os.lang.color_c)
                } else {
                    os.notice_div(os.lang.words_reply, os.lang.color_d)
                return false
        new_post: function (e, t, o, n) {
            var s, l, i, a, r, p, w, c;
            os.XML('', e, function (x) {
                e = x.responseXML;
                r = e.getElementsByClassName('post--' + t)[0];
                s = r.innerHTML;
                l = r.className;
                w = os.phpbb2 ? r.nextElementSibling.outerHTML : '';
                i = 'p' + t;
                c = os.phpbb2 ? 'tr' : 'div';
                a = '<' + c + ' id="' + i + '" class="' + l + ' new_ajax_post">' + s + '</' + c + '>' + (os.phpbb2 ? w : '');
                p = !os.phpbb2 ? os.last(document.getElementsByClassName('post')) : document.getElementsByClassName('catBottom')[0].parentNode.previousElementSibling;
                p.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', a);
                os.notice_div(os.lang.success_reply, os.lang.color_e);
                os.sC(document.getElementById(i), 500)
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
        document.getElementById('logout') && $.sceditor && os.init()
    }, false);

    Last edited by Ch@lo Valdez on Fri 1 Jun - 17:34; edited 11 times in total

    Male Posts : 77
    Reputation : 15
    Language : RO-10, EN-3, FR-1
    Location : Romania

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by SSYT Sun 9 Oct - 11:20

    Very nice ideea and very usefull code Smile

    Male Posts : 721
    Reputation : 111
    Language : English
    Location : San Venganza

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Legionheart Sun 9 Oct - 11:39

    Nicely done Ch@lo Valdez! Neat idea, continue the good work.
    Active Poster

    Male Posts : 1557
    Reputation : 146
    Language : Spanish & English
    Location : Mexico

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by YoshiGM Mon 10 Oct - 3:24

    Great job @Ch@lo Valdez
    You're awesome!
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Tue 11 Oct - 17:03

    thanks everybody, the code has been updated today, please help me testing

    Ace 1
    Ace 1

    Male Posts : 843
    Reputation : 64
    Language : English - French?
    Location : Druid Hill Park

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ace 1 Thu 20 Oct - 20:44

    Works great @Ch@lo Valdez.

    Goes pretty well with my SyncEditor Wink
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Thu 20 Oct - 22:29

    Ace 1 wrote:Works great @Ch@lo Valdez.

    Goes pretty well with my SyncEditor Wink

    in which forum? Confused
    Ace 1
    Ace 1

    Male Posts : 843
    Reputation : 64
    Language : English - French?
    Location : Druid Hill Park

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ace 1 Fri 21 Oct - 14:07

    Ch@lo Valdez wrote:in which forum? Confused

    On mine. Would you like a link so you can see?
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Fri 21 Oct - 14:41

    yes please!!

    Ace 1
    Ace 1

    Male Posts : 843
    Reputation : 64
    Language : English - French?
    Location : Druid Hill Park

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ace 1 Fri 21 Oct - 18:49

    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Fri 21 Oct - 20:19

    I have written a new version with minimal use of Jquery.

    The Initial post was edited
    Ace 1
    Ace 1

    Male Posts : 843
    Reputation : 64
    Language : English - French?
    Location : Druid Hill Park

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ace 1 Fri 21 Oct - 20:43

    Yeah, the code is bulkier but it works just as well, if not faster.

    Honestly, I don't know if I could've come up with something along these lines. Good effing job.
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Fri 21 Oct - 20:55

    thanks man, yes it's a lot of work, I hope it useful for all fm users Smile

    Male Posts : 59
    Reputation : 18
    Language : French
    Location : Vendée

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Milouze14 Sat 22 Oct - 18:56

    Hello Ch@lo Valdez,
    thank you for this tip.
    I tested on my two forums phpbb2,phpbb3, punbb end Invision your trick and I get stuck on the send while characters are required.My templates are blank on all versions

    Ajax reply - all versions 143

    You have a solution for the French version please.
    a ++
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Sat 22 Oct - 19:24

    please check in your panal administration in security tab allow all external forms
    Ajax reply - all versions Captur24

    and you need change this line:
    Your message has been entered successfully

    Ajax reply - all versions Captur23

    Male Posts : 59
    Reputation : 18
    Language : French
    Location : Vendée

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Milouze14 Sat 22 Oct - 19:46

    Sorry but I had yet tested before,
    I have not changed anything and everything works my friend,
    thank you again for your work.

    a ++
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Sat 22 Oct - 19:52

    works or not works in your french test forum?

    Male Posts : 59
    Reputation : 18
    Language : French
    Location : Vendée

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Milouze14 Sat 22 Oct - 19:54

    It works my friend, thank you very much

    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Sun 23 Oct - 7:38

    the code was updated today

    - bug are fixed
    - fade in fx without jquery is add


    Male Posts : 59
    Reputation : 18
    Language : French
    Location : Vendée

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Milouze14 Tue 25 Oct - 17:41

    hello Ch@lo Valdez,

    after UPDATE 22/10/2016 I have a problem with the phpbb2 version before updating the page,
    here is a picture:

    Ajax reply - all versions 147

    all the updated page is positioned correctly


    Male Posts : 19324
    Reputation : 2005
    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ape Tue 25 Oct - 17:58

    Nice work it would be even better if you could make it post like that without having to you the Quick reply box and do this on the main reply system aswell.

    but i know this is hard to do and i thing you do a good job in making this code work and its working really well.

    well done Wink

    Ajax reply - all versions Left1212Ajax reply - all versions Center11Ajax reply - all versions Right112
    Ajax reply - all versions Ape_b110
    Ajax reply - all versions Ape1010
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Tue 25 Oct - 18:06

    Milouze14 wrote:hello Ch@lo Valdez,

    after UPDATE 22/10/2016 I have a problem with the phpbb2 version before updating the page,
    here is a picture:

    Ajax reply - all versions 147

    all the updated page is positioned correctly


    @Milouze14 thanks for report this bug, is fixed now Smile
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Tue 25 Oct - 18:08

    @APE i have a new code with all functions ajax, without reload, delete, reply, quore, preview, and works in the main editor too

    Male Posts : 19324
    Reputation : 2005
    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ape Tue 25 Oct - 18:15

    I added your new code today and its only working for me in Q/ reply

    Ajax reply - all versions Left1212Ajax reply - all versions Center11Ajax reply - all versions Right112
    Ajax reply - all versions Ape_b110
    Ajax reply - all versions Ape1010
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Tue 25 Oct - 18:23

    yes this here it's only for QR, i write right now a new one, with all functions in ajax

    Male Posts : 19324
    Reputation : 2005
    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ape Tue 25 Oct - 18:46

    Thank you Smile

    Ajax reply - all versions Left1212Ajax reply - all versions Center11Ajax reply - all versions Right112
    Ajax reply - all versions Ape_b110
    Ajax reply - all versions Ape1010
    Active Poster

    Male Posts : 1881
    Reputation : 22
    Language : Bulgarian

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by smurfavr Fri 17 Feb - 12:07

    Everything works fine, but I noticed a problem.

    As a pressed button change of opinion and send it the opinion is sent, but the page is refreshed.
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Fri 17 Feb - 14:32

    smurfavr wrote:Everything works fine, but I noticed a problem.

    As a pressed button change of opinion and send it the opinion is sent, but the page is refreshed.

    what you mean?
    Active Poster

    Male Posts : 1881
    Reputation : 22
    Language : Bulgarian

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by smurfavr Fri 17 Feb - 16:08

    Look at the picture to find out what the problem is.

    Ajax reply - all versions 9044153Q
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Ajax reply - all versions Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez Fri 17 Feb - 20:43

    i don't see any problem, my code only works in quick reply for replys not for previews or edit options

      Current date/time is Sun 22 Sep - 16:22