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Ace 1
Ch@lo Valdez
14 posters

    Ajax reply - all versions

    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez October 6th 2016, 11:52 pm

    First topic message reminder :

    Hi, i wrote my own code to reply without refresh the page, this code works in all version, one code for all forums.
    Before, you need "allow external forms" in security tab, on your administration panel.
    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Captur24
    if your language isn't english you need change this line:

    Your message has been entered successfully
    from here:

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Captur15


    10.11.2016 09:00:18 the code has been updated. New system notification.
    Old version:

    UPDATE 09:32:53 06.01.2018 = for all version


    //----- Written by Chalo ------ Open Source 2014-2018 -----//
    //---------- --------------//
    //------------------- Version: 2.02 ----------------------//
    var os = {
        lang: {
            success_reply: 'Your message has been entered successfully',
            flood: 'Flood control is active on this forum, please wait 10 second(s) before replying or posting',
            error_reply: 'Try again',
            words_reply: 'You need 5 letters at least',
            button_send_reply: 'Send data...',
            notice_original: 'No predefined text',
            placeholder: 'Write something...',
            wait_notice: 'Please be patient, sending data to the server',
            color_a: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #febbbb 0%,#fe9090 45%,#ff5c5c 100%)',
            color_b: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffaf4b 0%,#ff920a 100%)',
            color_c: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #87e0fd 0%,#53cbf1 40%,#05abe0 100%)',
            color_d: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ff3019 0%,#cf0404 100%)',
            color_e: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #d2ff52 0%,#91e842 100%)'
        control: {
          // change this text exactly like is display in your language board;
            success_reply: 'Your message has been entered successfully',
            flood: 'Flood control is active on this forum, please wait 10 second(s) before replying or posting',
        length_reply: 5,
        init: function () {
            os.isTheme = /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname);
            os.phpbb2 = document.getElementsByClassName('bodylinewidth').length;
            os.modernbb = document.getElementsByClassName('modernbb').length,
            os.form_reply = os.isTheme &&;
            os.button_reply = os.isTheme &&;
            os.button_value_reply = os.isTheme &&;
            os.textarea = os.isTheme &&;
            os.action_reply = os.isTheme &&;
            os.intance = os.isTheme && $(os.textarea).sceditor('instance');
            os.isTheme && (os.form_reply.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[1].placeholder = os.lang.placeholder);
            os.isTheme && os.send_post()
        notice_div: function (e, t) {
            var o, n, s, l, i;
            i = document.getElementsByClassName('notice_reply');
            n = document.getElementsByClassName('sceditor-group')[0];
            s = n.parentNode, o = i.length ? i[0] : document.createElement('DIV');
            l = 'height:20px;line-height: 1.5;border-radius: 3px; text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.46)';
            !i.length && (o.classList.add('notice_reply'), = l, s.insertBefore(o, n));
   = 'block';
            o.innerHTML = 'undefined' == typeof e ? os.lang.notice_original : e;
   = 'undefined' == typeof t ? os.lang.color_a : t;
            setTimeout(function () {
                'block' == && ( = 'none')
            }, 1000)
        vT: function (h) {
            var i, g = h.getElementsByTagName('a');
            for (i in g) {
                /\/viewtopic/g.test(g[i].href) && (os.view_url = g[i].href)
        sZ: function (b) {
            var a, i, j, l, s = [];
            if ('object' == typeof b && 'FORM' == b.nodeName) {
                l = b.elements.length;
                for (i = 0; l > i; i++)
                    if (a = b.elements[i], && !a.disabled && 'file' != a.type && 'reset' != a.type && 'submit' != a.type && 'button' != a.type)
                        if ('select-multiple' == a.type)
                            for (j = b.elements[i].options.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) a.options[j].selected && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.options[j].value));
                        else('checkbox' != a.type && 'radio' != a.type || a.checked) && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.value))
            return s.join('&').replace(/%20/g, '+');
        sC: function (o, e, t, s) {
            e = e || 500, s = s || window;
            var a = o.clientHeight < 150 ? o.clientHeight * 2 : o.clientHeight < 300 ? o.clientHeight : o.clientHeight > 400 && '',
                n = s.scrollTop - a || window.pageYOffset - a;
            if ('number' == typeof o) var r = parseInt(o);
            else var r = os.gT(o, n);
            var l =,
                i = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function (o) {
                    window.setTimeout(o, 15)
                a = function () {
                    var c = - l;
                    s !== window ? s.scrollTop = os.pS(n, r, c, e) : window.scroll(0, os.pS(n, r, c, e)), c > e ? 'function' == typeof t && t(o) : i(a)
        eC: function (t) {
            return t < .5 ? 4 * t * t * t : (t - 1) * (2 * t - 2) * (2 * t - 2) + 1
        pS: function (o, e, s, r) {
            return o + (e - o) * os.eC(s / r)
        gT: function (o, e) {
            return 'HTML' === o.nodeName ? -e : o.getBoundingClientRect().top + e
        XML: function (a, b, f) {
            var c;
            c = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest : window.ActiveXObject && (new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'));
            'undefined' != typeof a ?'POST', b) :'GET', b, true);
            c.responseType = 'document';
            c.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
            c.send('undefined' != typeof a ? a : '');
            c.onreadystatechange = function () {
                this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200 && (f(this));
        last: function (a) {
            return a[a.length - 1]
        cover: function (c) {
            var a = document.getElementsByClassName('sceditor-resize-cover')[0];
   = c != false ? 'block' : 'none';
            a.innerHTML = c != false ? c : '';
            if (c != false) {
       = '#fff';
       = '20px';
       = '12';
       = 'center'
        send_post: function () {
            var e, t, o, n, s, l, i;
            n = os.intance;
            os.form_reply && (os.button_reply.onclick = function () {
                if (n.val().length > os.length_reply) {
                    os.button_reply.value = os.lang.button_send_reply;
                    os.XML(os.sZ(os.form_reply) + '&notify=on&&post=1&prevent_post=1', os.action_reply, function (x) {
                        t = x.responseXML;
                        o = t.body.innerHTML.indexOf(os.control.success_reply);
                        i = t.body.innerHTML.indexOf(os.control.flood);
                        e = os.view_url;
                        l = e && e.match(/(\w+)$/g)[0];
                        s = l && l - 1;
                        if (i > 0) {
                            os.notice_div(os.lang.flood, os.lang.color_b);
                            os.button_reply.value = os.button_value_reply;
                        } else if (0 > o) {
                        } else {
                            os.new_post(e, l, n, s);
                            os.button_reply.value = os.button_value_reply;
                            os.notice_div(os.lang.wait_notice, os.lang.color_c)
                } else {
                    os.notice_div(os.lang.words_reply, os.lang.color_d)
                return false
        new_post: function (e, t, o, n) {
            var s, l, i, a, r, p, w, c;
            os.XML('', e, function (x) {
                e = x.responseXML;
                r = e.getElementsByClassName('post--' + t)[0];
                s = r.innerHTML;
                l = r.className;
                w = os.phpbb2 ? r.nextElementSibling.outerHTML : '';
                i = 'p' + t;
                c = os.phpbb2 ? 'tr' : 'div';
                a = '<' + c + ' id="' + i + '" class="' + l + ' new_ajax_post">' + s + '</' + c + '>' + (os.phpbb2 ? w : '');
                p = !os.phpbb2 ? os.last(document.getElementsByClassName('post')) : document.getElementsByClassName('catBottom')[0].parentNode.previousElementSibling;
                p.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', a);
                os.notice_div(os.lang.success_reply, os.lang.color_e);
                os.sC(document.getElementById(i), 500)
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
        document.getElementById('logout') && $.sceditor && os.init()
    }, false);

    Last edited by Ch@lo Valdez on June 1st 2018, 4:34 pm; edited 11 times in total
    Active Poster

    Male Posts : 1881
    Reputation : 22
    Language : Bulgarian

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by smurfavr February 17th 2017, 8:59 pm

    ок. I thought that could be done to work and editing.
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez February 17th 2017, 9:49 pm


    Posts : 301
    Reputation : 5
    Language : English

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by troyeccles March 2nd 2017, 9:56 am

    This is superb!

    Three things though:

    1. Is there any way of reducing the minum number of characters needed? Some people just type Y or N or LOL and it won't work now. I tried altering "length_reply: 5, //min letters in the textarea before reply" to 1 but it had no effect.

    2. Is there a way for ajax to work so there's no page refresh needed at all?

    3. Is there a way of getting to work on the mobile version?
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez March 2nd 2017, 1:22 pm

    1. this is the line for that :
    length_reply: 1, //min letters in the textarea before reply
    2. what you mean?
    3. No, sorry

    Male Posts : 19324
    Reputation : 2005
    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ape March 2nd 2017, 2:07 pm

    troyeccles wrote:This is superb!

    Three things though:

    2. Is there a way for ajax to work so there's no page refresh needed at all?

    A /2 The page Don't refresh on it. It just makes a post and the post slips into your posted comments if you mean if you stay on the page and some one else makes a post after your well then No this will not work as your need live feed from the servers and we can't get that data (Sadly) Sad

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Left1212Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Center11Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Right112
    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Ape_b110
    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Ape1010

    Posts : 301
    Reputation : 5
    Language : English

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by troyeccles March 2nd 2017, 2:50 pm

    Ch@lo, I did try setting it to 1. No effect.

    Ape, thanks for the update.
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez March 2nd 2017, 3:25 pm

    please try with this :

    console.log('//-Written by Chalo ------ Open Source 2014-2016 -----//');
    console.log('//--------- ----------//');
    console.log('//------------------- Version: 1.5.2 -------------------//');
    var os = {
        lang: {
            success_reply: 'Your message has been entered successfully', // <--- change this text exactly like is display in your language board
            flood: 'Flood control is active on this forum, please wait 10 second(s) before replying or posting',
            newpost: 'A new message has been posted',
            error_reply: 'Try again',
            words_reply: 'You need 5 letters at least',
            button_send_reply: 'Send data...',
            notice_original: 'No predefined text',
            wait_notice: 'Please be patient, sending data to the server',
            color_a: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #febbbb 0%,#fe9090 45%,#ff5c5c 100%)',
            color_b: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffaf4b 0%,#ff920a 100%)',
            color_c: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #87e0fd 0%,#53cbf1 40%,#05abe0 100%)',
            color_d: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ff3019 0%,#cf0404 100%)',
            color_e: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #d2ff52 0%,#91e842 100%)'
        length_reply: 1, //min letters in the textarea before reply
        time: 3500,
        init: function() {
            os.isTheme = /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname);
            os.phpbb2 = document.getElementsByClassName('bodylinewidth').length;
            os.phpbb3 = document.getElementById('phpbb');
            os.invision = document.getElementById('ipbwrapper');
            os.punbb = document.getElementById('pun-intro');
            os.form_reply =;
            os.button_reply =;
            os.button_value_reply =;
            os.textarea = os.form_reply.message;
            os.action_reply = os.form_reply.action;
            os.isTheme &&;
        notice_div: function(c, f) {
            var a, b, d, e, g;
            g = document.getElementsByClassName('notice_reply');
            b = document.getElementsByClassName('sceditor-group')[0];
            d = b.parentNode;
            a = !g.length ? document.createElement('DIV') : g[0];
            e = 'height:20px;line-height: 1.5;border-radius: 3px; text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.46);text-align:center';
            !g.length && (a.classList.add('notice_reply'), a.setAttribute('style', e), d.insertBefore(a, b));
   = 'block';
            a.innerHTML = 'undefined' == typeof c ? os.lang.notice_original : c;
   = 'undefined' == typeof f ? os.lang.color_a : f;
            setTimeout(function() {
       == 'block' && ( = 'none')
            }, os.time)
        post: function() {
            var c, h, a, d, b, v, i, x, y, z;
            h = os.action_reply;
            os.form_reply && (os.button_reply.onclick = function() {
                return os.sceditor = $(os.textarea).sceditor('instance'), os.sceditor.updateOriginal(), z = document.getElementsByClassName('new_ajax_post'), z.length && z[0].classList.remove('new_ajax_post'), os.sceditor.val().length >= os.length_reply ? (os.button_reply.value = os.lang.button_send_reply, os.XML(os.serialize(os.form_reply) + '&post=1&prevent_post=1', h, function(e) {
                    for (x = e.responseXML, y = x.getElementById(os.phpbb2 ? 'page-body' : 'main'), a = y.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.success_reply), b = y.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.flood), v = x.getElementsByTagName('a'), i = 0; i < v.length; i++) /\/viewtopic/g.test(v[i].href) && (c = v[i].href, d = v[i].href.match(/(\d+)$/g)[0]);
                    b > 0 ? (os.notice_div(os.lang.flood, os.lang.color_b), os.button_reply.value = os.button_value_reply) : y.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.newpost) > 0 ? os.XML(os.serialize(x.forms.posts), '/post', function() {
                        0 > a ? os.notice_div(os.lang.error_reply) : (os.get_post(c, d), os.button_reply.value = os.button_value_reply)
                    }) : 0 > a ? os.notice_div(os.lang.error_reply) : (os.get_post(c, d), os.button_reply.value = os.button_value_reply, os.notice_div(os.lang.wait_notice, os.lang.color_c))
                })) : os.notice_div(os.lang.words_reply, os.lang.color_d), !1

        get_post: function(c, a) {
            var b, d;
            os.XML('', c, function(e) {
                d = e.responseXML;
                b = d.getElementsByClassName('post--' + a)[0];
       = 'none';
                b.className += ' new_ajax_post';
                os.notice_div(os.lang.success_reply, os.lang.color_e);
        set_post: function(h) {
            var e = os.punbb ? document.getElementsByClassName('topic')[0] : os.phpbb2 ? document.getElementsByClassName('catBottom')[0].parentNode.previousElementSibling : os.phpbb3 ? document.getElementsByName('bottomtitle')[0].previousElementSibling : os.invision && document.getElementsByClassName('topic-footer')[0].previousElementSibling;
            os.punbb ? e.appendChild(h) : e.parentNode.insertBefore(h, e.nextSibling);
            os.fadeIn(h, 500);
        XML: function(a, b, f) {
            var c;
            c = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest : window.ActiveXObject && (new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'));
            'undefined' != typeof a ?'POST', b) :'GET', b, true);
            c.responseType = 'document';
            c.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
            'undefined' != typeof a ? c.send(a) : c.send();
            c.onreadystatechange = function() {
                this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200 && (f(this));
        serialize: function(b) {
            var a, i, j, s = [];
            if ('object' == typeof b && 'FORM' == b.nodeName) {
                var len = b.elements.length;
                for (i = 0; len > i; i++)
                    if (a = b.elements[i], && !a.disabled && 'file' != a.type && 'reset' != a.type && 'submit' != a.type && 'button' != a.type)
                        if ('select-multiple' == a.type)
                            for (j = b.elements[i].options.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) a.options[j].selected && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.options[j].value));
                        else('checkbox' != a.type && 'radio' != a.type || a.checked) && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.value))
            return s.join('&').replace(/%20/g, '+');
        fadeIn: function(a, b) {
            var e, d;
            if (!a) return;
   = 0, = 'alpha(opacity=0)', = '', = 'visible',
                b ? (e = 0, d = setInterval(function() {
                e += 50 / b, e >= 1 && (clearInterval(d), e = 1), = e, = 'alpha(opacity=' + e * 100 + ')'
            }, 50)) : ( = 1, = 'alpha(opacity=1)')
    $(function() {
        (document.getElementById('logout') && /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname) && $.sceditor) && os.init()


    Posts : 301
    Reputation : 5
    Language : English

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by troyeccles March 3rd 2017, 1:00 am

    That's worked! Well done.

    Male Posts : 63
    Reputation : 7
    Language : Polish, English
    Location : Poland

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ritsu March 4th 2017, 1:58 pm

    Ummm... What do you do guys to make this code working? I chose "no" in "unathourize unofficial (...)" and created a javascript with this new code in the AP (also was trying with older version - it ended up nowhere), it still doesn't work :/ Also on the completly new forum. Should I add javascript import to index/viewtopic_body? Please, help!

    Okay I found that. Displaying this code should be "in topics" only.
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez March 5th 2017, 10:13 pm

    @DSorcerer please type your url forum

    is important change this line if your language board is not english

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Captur15

    Male Posts : 63
    Reputation : 7
    Language : Polish, English
    Location : Poland

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ritsu March 6th 2017, 5:47 pm

    Thanks!  Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 1f600 It's working now.
    New Member

    Posts : 4
    Reputation : 1

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Nigrin May 8th 2018, 4:56 pm

    Hi Chalo!

    First of all congratulations for the script, it's fantastic!

    My problem is that when I post or edit, this message appears and it does not update.

    Although the page is stopped, when we enter the post the quick response appears.

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Screen14

    Can you help me? I really liked the script.



    My Forum: Portuguese Language
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

    Male Posts : 138
    Reputation : 50
    Language : spanish

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez May 8th 2018, 5:09 pm

    hi please send me pm with your forum url, and let me see how works, have you any test account ?
    New Member

    Posts : 4
    Reputation : 1

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Nigrin May 8th 2018, 5:34 pm

    Hi Ch@lo!

    Please check your pm, thx!
    New Member

    Posts : 4
    Reputation : 1

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Nigrin May 9th 2018, 6:33 pm

    Ch@lo Valdez ???

    Male Posts : 63
    Reputation : 7
    Language : Polish, English
    Location : Poland

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ritsu May 29th 2018, 12:23 pm

    Is it possible for you to make it work on ModernBB, @Ch@lo Valdez?
    Ch@lo Valdez
    Ch@lo Valdez

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    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ch@lo Valdez June 1st 2018, 4:35 pm

    Ritsu wrote:Is it possible for you to make it work on ModernBB, @Ch@lo Valdez?

    yes, now works for moderbb

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    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ritsu June 1st 2018, 11:36 pm


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    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Amjedamir July 1st 2018, 7:59 pm

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    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by mrzang September 12th 2018, 4:53 am

    Is it work on AwesomeBB, bro?
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    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by SarkZKalie September 12th 2018, 6:37 am

    I believe AwesomeBB still isn't ready to use daily yet

    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Sarkzk10

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    Ajax reply - all versions - Page 2 Empty Re: Ajax reply - all versions

    Post by Ape September 12th 2018, 6:35 pm

    This code is not made for AwesomeBB as AwesomeBB is still in beta mode right now and lots of bugs are still getting worked on.

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