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3 posters

    Tunein Radio in all pages?


    Male Posts : 67
    Reputation : 2
    Language : greek

    Solved Tunein Radio in all pages?

    Post by Zordon September 13th 2017, 3:44 pm

    I am trying to add this webradio of some friends
    to my forum in all pages.

    This code works well in portal
    <iframe src="" style="width:100%;height:100px;" scrolling="no" frameborder="no"></iframe>
    but it won't in javascript or announcement. Can you give me the correct code please?

    Is it possible to add it as well in Publications page?

    Male Posts : 2518
    Reputation : 321
    Language : English
    Location : USA

    Solved Re: Tunein Radio in all pages?

    Post by Draxion September 13th 2017, 3:55 pm

    Hi there,

    You can try adding that in the template: overall_header.

    Male Posts : 67
    Reputation : 2
    Language : greek

    Solved Re: Tunein Radio in all pages?

    Post by Zordon September 13th 2017, 3:58 pm

    you mean in CSS code?

    Male Posts : 67
    Reputation : 2
    Language : greek

    Solved Re: Tunein Radio in all pages?

    Post by Zordon September 13th 2017, 4:13 pm

    I found it what you mean and it's working now.
    Two questions now

    1. How to add autoplay in the code?
    2. How to add the radio in Publications page as well?

    Last edited by Zordon on September 13th 2017, 4:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 2518
    Reputation : 321
    Language : English
    Location : USA

    Solved Re: Tunein Radio in all pages?

    Post by Draxion September 13th 2017, 4:31 pm

    Hmm... I would imagine the overall_header would apply to the publications page as well but I guess you may have to add it another way.

    You could try this instead, although I am not 100% sure if it will work or not.
    Add this JavaScript on all pages.
    $(function() {
        '<iframe src="" style="width:100%;height:100px;" scrolling="no" frameborder="no"></iframe>'

    Male Posts : 67
    Reputation : 2
    Language : greek

    Solved Re: Tunein Radio in all pages?

    Post by Zordon September 13th 2017, 4:40 pm

    Removed it from header and tried the javascript but it doesn't work anywhere now.

    Another thing I want to ask is, can you add Facebook share in Publications Page? There is twitter, google etc. but not Facebook.
    Tried adding this code on Display->Publications->view_publication
     <li><amp-social-share type="facebook" width="40" height="40"></amp-social-share></li>
    but while the Facebook share button appeared it gives me this message
    "Warning Invalid App ID: 0"

    Maybe I could add the radio code too in that one but where exactly?
    That's my code

    <article id="main-page" class="container">
        <!-- BEGIN switch_flash_message -->
        <div class="msg-padding">
        <!-- END switch_flash_message -->
        <!-- BEGIN article -->
        <div class="main-img">
            <amp-img src="{article.main_picture}" width="980" height="550" layout="responsive"></amp-img>
            <div class="block-action">
                <!-- BEGIN switch_status -->
                <div class="status-publi-img">{article.switch_status.span_status}</div>
                <!-- END switch_status -->
                <!-- BEGIN switch_options -->
                <div class="dropdown">
                    <button><amp-img srcset="{ILLIWEB_URL}/fa/publications/ic_gear_white_1x_web_24dp.png 1x, {ILLIWEB_URL}/fa/publications/ic_gear_white_2x_web_24dp.png 2x" width="24" height="24" alt="navigation"></amp-img></button>
                    <ul class="dropdown-menu">
                        <!-- BEGIN switch_options_list -->
                        <li><a href="{}" {article.switch_options.switch_options_list.attr}>{article.switch_options.switch_options_list.label}</a></li>
                        <!-- END switch_options_list -->
                <!-- END switch_options -->
        <div class="article-title">
            <p><small>{}</small> | <small class="date">{}</small></p>
        <div class="article-content clearfix">{article.content}</div>
        <div class="article-social clearfix">
            <div class="left">
                <ul class="inline">
                    <li><amp-social-share type="twitter" width="40" height="40"></amp-social-share></li>
                    <li><amp-social-share type="gplus" width="40" height="40"></amp-social-share></li>
                    <li><amp-social-share type="email" width="40" height="40"></amp-social-share></li>
                    <li><amp-social-share type="pinterest" width="40" height="40"></amp-social-share></li>
                    <li><amp-social-share type="whatsapp" width="40" height="40"></amp-social-share></li>
                    <li><amp-social-share type="facebook" width="40" height="40"></amp-social-share></li>
        <!-- END article -->

        <!-- BEGIN author -->
        <div class="article-author card">
            <div class="article-author-infos clearfix">
                <amp-img width="100" height="100" layout="fixed" alt="{}" src="{author.img}" class="left"></amp-img>
                <div class="left">
                    <p><a href="{author.url}" title="{}"><b>{}</b></a></p>
        <!-- END author -->

        <!-- BEGIN related -->
        <div class="article-more">
            <amp-list class="items" width="200" height="100" layout=responsive src="{related.src}">
                <template type="amp-mustache">
                    <div class="tile item">
                        <a href="{{url}}">
                            <amp-img width="310" height="175" layout="responsive" alt="{{title}}" src="{{thumbnail}}"></amp-img>
                            <p class="name">{{title}}</p>
                        <p>{{by}}&nbsp;<a href="{{author_url}}" title="{{author}&#125"><b>{{author}}</b></a></p>
        <!-- END related -->

    Male Posts : 67
    Reputation : 2
    Language : greek

    Solved Re: Tunein Radio in all pages?

    Post by Zordon September 13th 2017, 10:46 pm

    Tune in Radio after all appears now on the Publication Page. I also found how to add in the Publications page. You go in the Publication Templates and you have to add it both list_publication and view_publication. It was easy afterall to understand where each part of the page starts and finishes.
    OK so this problem is solved. Thank you Draxion about that.
    Now all that remains to figure out is how can I add a working Facebook share button to publications and autoplay in the radio

    Male Posts : 51499
    Reputation : 3523
    Language : English
    Location : United States

    Solved Re: Tunein Radio in all pages?

    Post by SLGray September 13th 2017, 10:48 pm

    Please start a new topic for the Facebook question.

    Problem solved & topic archived.
    Please read our forum rules:  ESF General Rules

    Tunein Radio in all pages?      Slgray10

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