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WikiFG - Tutorials, themes and support for Forumotion

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WikiFG - Tutorials, themes and support for Forumotion Empty WikiFG - Tutorials, themes and support for Forumotion

Post by Kames 15/12/2018, 14:52

Choice of Category: Forum Services
Choice of Title: WikiFG - Tutorials, themes and support for Forumotion
Forum Address:
Main Language: English (Second Romanian)
Forum Description:
WikiFG - Tutorials, themes and support for Forumotion Wikifg11

After 3 years, WikiFG returns. Founded in 2015, WikiFG is a forum dedicated to Forumotion enthusiasts, that comes to the aid of every user on this platform. The forum was founded by 2 freelancers, Andrei Muntean (known as Kames) and Ciprian Stoicescu (known as Mike); at the same time 2 veterans of this platform. The main purpose of this forum is to help develop the Forumotion platform. Also after 3 years, everything has remained unchanged, the same team, the same interest and the same pleasure to come to the aid of any Forumotion user.

What is new?
- a new theme and a new version. We are the first forum who launch a complete ModernBB and a AwesomeBB theme. The theme has a unique, modern and simple design. We are currently in the BETA status and we are waiting for feedback from you. Dedicated topic.
- originality first - we have unique ideas that have not been found on other forums.
- we have categories and forums specifically designed to develop user knowledge - discussion venues on specific areas.
- quality content - we come to the help of every user - we also have a wide range of free and premium resources.
- and more, which will be discovered by you along the way.
New Member

Male Posts : 1
Reputation : 2
Language : Romanian | English | French | German
Location : Romania

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