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How can I add 'Select All' in code of my forum?

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In progress How can I add 'Select All' in code of my forum?

Post by Hades Riviera February 7th 2019, 11:06 pm

I need to add 'Select All' to my forum's code, so users can select all the codes in once.
Hades Riviera
Hades Riviera
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In progress Re: How can I add 'Select All' in code of my forum?

Post by The Last Outlaw February 8th 2019, 9:16 am

Hades Riviera wrote:I need to add 'Select All' to my forum's code, so users can select all the codes in once.

You're looking for this code:
The Last Outlaw
The Last Outlaw

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Location : Salem, Oregon, USA

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