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The forum of the forums
6 posters

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    In progress Sort by last edited

    Post by PaltHaltPH February 27th 2019, 5:15 pm

    Technical Details

    Forum version : #ModernBB
    Position : Founder
    Concerned browser(s) : Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Other
    Who the problem concerns : All members
    Forum link :

    Description of problem

    Apologies if this has already been addressed, but I've perused through the FAQ and the search bar and haven't found an answer to my question. Is it possible to sort the topic list by last edited? The current sorting lists use post date, creation date, title, number of views and answers, but not by last edited. And to be more precise, when the original post is edited by the original poster and not when a reply has been made.
    Support Moderator
    Support Moderator

    Male Posts : 1442
    Reputation : 220
    Language : English

    In progress Re: Sort by last edited

    Post by SarkZKalie February 27th 2019, 6:26 pm

    As far as I know there is no way to do that

    Sort by last edited Sarkzk10

    Male Posts : 19325
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    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    In progress Re: Sort by last edited

    Post by Ape February 27th 2019, 6:39 pm

    No sadly there is no setting's in your ACP to do that.

    Sort by last edited Left1212Sort by last edited Center11Sort by last edited Right112
    Sort by last edited Ape_b110
    Sort by last edited Ape1010

    In progress Re: Sort by last edited

    Post by Guest February 27th 2019, 8:20 pm

    Well this is close to being impossible, unless you have an external server and a developer with plenty of time on their hands.

    Male Posts : 2083
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    Location : Ms

    In progress Re: Sort by last edited

    Post by _Twisted_Mods_ March 3rd 2019, 4:47 pm

    Ok so after a few hours i figured it out .. at least on my forum i have bb3 on my forum but i'm sure someone on here can help if changes are needed but im gonna take a break from it lol

    change index_box template

    <ul class="linklist">
       <!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_in -->
       <li><a href="{U_SEARCH_NEW}">{L_SEARCH_NEW}</a>&nbsp;•&nbsp;</li>
       <li><a href="{U_SEARCH_SELF}">{L_SEARCH_SELF}</a>&nbsp;•&nbsp;</li>
       <!-- END switch_user_logged_in -->
       <li><a href="{U_SEARCH_UNANSWERED}">{L_SEARCH_UNANSWERED}</a></li>
       <!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_in -->
       <li class="rightside"><a href="{U_MARK_READ}" accesskey="m">{L_MARK_FORUMS_READ}</a></li>
       <!-- END switch_user_logged_in -->
          <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
              <!-- BEGIN catrow -->
       <!-- BEGIN tablehead -->
          <div class="forabg">
             <div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
             <ul class="topiclist">
                <li class="header">
                   <dl class="icon">
                      <dd class="dterm"><div class="table-title">{catrow.tablehead.L_FORUM}</div></dd>
                         <table id="example" class="topiclist table table-bordered" style="width: 100%;">
                                                      <thead style="display:none">
                               <th><div class="table-title">{catrow.tablehead.L_FORUM}</div></th>
       <!-- END tablehead -->

       <!-- BEGIN forumrow -->
                               <td class="dterm" style="text-align:left;">
                         <div style="display: block; margin : 0 {catrow.forumrow.INC_LEVEL_RIGHT} 0 {catrow.forumrow.INC_LEVEL_LEFT};">
                            <h{catrow.forumrow.LEVEL} class="hierarchy">
                            <a href="{catrow.forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}" class="forumtitle">{catrow.forumrow.FORUM_NAME}</a>
                            <br />

                            <!-- BEGIN switch_moderators_links -->
                            <!-- END switch_moderators_links -->
                            <strong>{forumrow.L_SUBFORUM_STR}</strong> {forumrow.SUBFORUMS}
                      <td class="topics">{catrow.forumrow.TOPICS} <dfn>{L_TOPICS}</dfn></td>
                      <td class="posts">{catrow.forumrow.POSTS} <dfn>{L_POSTS}</dfn></td>
                      <td class="lastpost">
                         <!-- BEGIN ads -->
                         <span class="AD_LastPA">
                                    <span class="lastpost-avatar"><img src="{}" alt="{}" /></span>
                                    <span class="AD_LastInfos">
                                        <b><a href="{}">{}</a></b><br />
                                        {}<br />
                                <!-- END ads -->
                                <!-- BEGIN avatar -->
                                <span class="lastpost-avatar">{catrow.forumrow.avatar.LAST_POST_AVATAR}</span>
                                <!-- END avatar -->

                         <!-- BEGIN switch_topic_title -->
                         <a href="{catrow.forumrow.U_LATEST_TOPIC}" title="{catrow.forumrow.LATEST_TOPIC_TITLE}">{catrow.forumrow.LATEST_TOPIC_NAME}</a><br />
                         <!-- END switch_topic_title -->
                                                                      <td class="tdate" style="display:none">{catrow.forumrow.USER_LAST_POST}</td>
       <!-- END forumrow -->

       <!-- BEGIN tablefoot -->

             <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
       <!-- END tablefoot -->
    <!-- END catrow -->

    <!-- BEGIN switch_on_index -->
    <ul class="linklist">
       <li><a href="{U_TODAY_ACTIVE}">{L_TODAY_ACTIVE}</a>&nbsp;•&nbsp;</li>
       <li><a href="{U_TODAY_POSTERS}">{L_TODAY_POSTERS}</a>&nbsp;•&nbsp;</li>
       <li class="last"><a href="{U_OVERALL_POSTERS}">{L_OVERALL_POSTERS}</a></li>
       <!-- BEGIN switch_delete_cookies -->
       <li class="rightside"><a href="{switch_on_index.switch_delete_cookies.U_DELETE_COOKIES}" rel="nofollow">{switch_on_index.switch_delete_cookies.L_DELETE_COOKIES}</a></li>
       <!-- END switch_delete_cookies -->

    <!-- END switch_on_index -->

    then create a new javascript to run on the forum page

    function comparer(index) {
        return function(a, b) {
            var valA = getCellValue(a, index), valB = getCellValue(b, index);
            return $.isNumeric(valA) && $.isNumeric(valB) ? valA - valB : valA.toString().localeCompare(valB);
    function getCellValue(row, index){ return $(row).children('td').eq(index).text() }
    $(document).ready(function() {
        var curdate =$(this).nextUntil("br").clone().children().remove().end().text().trim().replace('Guest','');
    if(curdate.indexOf("Today") >= 0){
    var d = new Date();
    var today = (d.getMonth()+1) + "/" + d.getDate() + "/" +d.getFullYear();
    var datsplit = curdate.split(' ');
    curdate = today + ' ' + datsplit[2] + ' ' + datsplit[3];
    if(curdate.indexOf("Yesterday") >= 0){
    let now = new Date();
        var defaultDate = now - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 1;
    var d = new Date(defaultDate);
    var today = (d.getMonth()+1) + "/" + d.getDate() + "/" +d.getFullYear();
    var datsplit = curdate.split(' ');
    curdate = today + ' ' + datsplit[2] + ' ' + datsplit[3];
    var ee = new Date(curdate).getTime();

        var table = $(this).eq(0);
        var rows = table.find('tr:gt(0)').toArray().sort(comparer(4));
        this.desc = !this.desc;
        if (!this.desc){rows = rows.reverse();}
        for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++){table.prepend(rows[i]);}

    then swap your time format to mm/dd/yyyy, time am/pm
    it may work with other time formats i didn't test them

    what this does is put all the topics in a table so it can be sorted
    then it grabs the date from the last topic and converts it to a unix timestamp then places it in a hidden column and sorts the whole table based on that column

    if you have issues with stuff displaying weird its probably the bootstrap.min.css in the index_box i put it there to make the table pretty

    Female Posts : 15311
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    Language : English,Greek
    Location : Greece

    In progress Re: Sort by last edited

    Post by skouliki March 19th 2019, 1:34 pm


    is this solved?
    if yes please mark it as solved

    thank you

    New Member

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    Language : English

    In progress Re: Sort by last edited

    Post by Dice212 March 26th 2019, 8:53 pm

    Was this ever solved?

      Current date/time is September 23rd 2024, 6:25 am