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Decorate your forums for Christmas

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Tutorial Decorate your forums for Christmas

Post by Shadow Mon 9 Dec - 13:24

Decorate your forums for the holidays!

       Dear members,

As the end of year festivities and the preparations that accompany them approach, Forumotion once again puts at your disposal a lot of decoration to decorate your forum, and let the Christmas fairytale knock on its door. Very Happy

Please note that not all scripts should be installed in the same place, please take a good look at the different paths that are provided, the subject can also take a long time to load, thank you for your patience.

Activation on all or part of the forum

Administration panel Modules Javascript codes management Create a new javascript

Decoration at the top of the forum

You are able to change the color, the position and the attachment of the following decorations, editing the scripts.
View customization items:

Decorate your forums for Christmas KiQbaHm
var deco = "tree";
var color = "white";
var direction = "left";
var attachment = "fixed";
$(function() {
Decorate your forums for Christmas NABHJwl
var deco = "christmastree";
var color = "white";
var direction = "left";
var attachment = "fixed";
$(function() {
Decorate your forums for Christmas Ny6ilkA
var deco = "santa";
var color = "white";
var direction = "left";
var attachment = "fixed";
$(function() {
Decorate your forums for Christmas JKi4zGa
var deco = "gift";
var color = "white";
var direction = "left";
var attachment = "fixed";
$(function() {
Decorate your forums for Christmas ZmpCIlk
var deco = "candy";
var color = "white";
var direction = "left";
var attachment = "fixed";
$(function() {
Decorate your forums for Christmas IowrOS3
var deco = "snow";
var color = "white";
var direction = "left";
var attachment = "fixed";
$(function() {
Decorate your forums for Christmas UqR6zoz
var deco = "snowman";
var color = "white";
var direction = "left";
var attachment = "fixed";
$(function() {
Decorate your forums for Christmas OmNkrg4
var deco = "reindeer";
var color = "white";
var direction = "left";
var attachment = "fixed";
$(function() {

Garland at the top of the forum

Decorate your forums for Christmas 62AAKck
$(function() {

Decorate your forums for Christmas FIkYidP
var garland = 0; var height = 110; $(function() {

Decorate your forums for Christmas KSCQxhA
var garland = 1; var height = 110; $(function() {

Decorate your forums for Christmas OoCIeih
var garland = 2; var height = 110; $(function() {

The height of the non-animated garlands can be modified by changing the value of the height variable expressed in pixels (by default, 110px).

Interactive suspensions at the top of the forum

Decorate your forums for Christmas NNTFXJ2
$(function() {

It is possible to obtain the same effect with gold-only suspensions, using this script instead of the previous one:
var goldOnly = true; $(function() {

Rains of images on the forum

Decorate your forums for Christmas Mistle11

var snowsrc="";
$(function() {

Decorate your forums for Christmas Recycl11

var snowsrc="";
$(function() {

Decorate your forums for Christmas Jingle10

var snowsrc="";
$(function() {

Decorate your forums for Christmas Candle12

var snowsrc="";
$(function() {

Decorate your forums for Christmas Snowma11

var snowsrc="";
$(function() {

Decorate your forums for Christmas Santa_11

var snowsrc="";
$(function() {


Decorate your forums for Christmas Snow110
$(function() {
Decorate your forums for Christmas Snow210
$(function() {


Administration Panel > Display > Colors & Pictures > Colors (CSS Stylesheet Tab)

Decorate your forums for Christmas Snowman-preview

body {
    cursor: url(, auto;

Decorate your forums for Christmas Christmas-tree-preview

body {
    cursor: url(, auto;

Decorate your forums for Christmas Santa-preview

body {
    cursor: url(, auto;

Decorate your forums for Christmas Santa2-preview

body {
    cursor: url(, auto;

Compatibility note : You can insert several scripts of the decoration elements. You can also combine these elements with an image rainfall. Nevertheless, only one image rain script can be used at a time.

In addition, we also advise against using more than two decorations at the same time, as this could considerably increase the weight of your pages and their loading time. Please note that some of these decorations may not be compatible with the ModernBB or AwesomeBB versions.


Male Posts : 16208
Reputation : 1832
Language : French, English

SNooPy89, TonnyKamper, TheCrow, Mimóza, Savvas, KimiD56 and faerycharmjulie like this post

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