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New: Add custom JS codes for the ChatBox

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New: Add custom JS codes for the ChatBox Empty New: Add custom JS codes for the ChatBox

Post by The Godfather December 30th 2020, 11:48 am

New feature: Add custom JS codes for the ChatBox

Dear Forumotion users,

We have been working for a few weeks on improving the ChatBox and its features. In particular with the addition of Channels but also the launch of several options (deletion of messages, display of images...).

To end this year 2020 on a positive note, we have just launched an additional feature: the possibility of adding custom scripts for the ChatBox. The addition is done via the classic Javascript codes management on which we simply added the placement "In the ChatBox".

New: Add custom JS codes for the ChatBox Js10

In order not to negatively impact the performance of the ChatBox, the scripts dedicated to it will not be loaded on the other pages and vice versa. Consequently, the choice "On all pages" does not include the ChatBox.

Warning: this new feature is accessible to all forums, regardless of its Package Yes

We hope you will share our opinion on the usefulness of this improvement,

See you soon, your Forumotion team.
The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5388
Reputation : 848

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