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AwesomeBB : Widgets on the right side & New display of Calendar

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AwesomeBB :  Widgets on the right side & New display of Calendar Empty AwesomeBB : Widgets on the right side & New display of Calendar

Post by Luzz Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:08 am

Discover some updates for our AwesomeBB version

Dear Forumotion users, 

We invite you to discover some improvements made to the AWESOMEBB version by our technicians following the suggestions of our Italian volunteer staff administrator MattiaDes

1. On AwesomeBB forums, widgets are now displayed on the right when the screen width is large enough. When the width gets too small, widgets drop to the bottom of the page (as was the case for all screens until this update). 

AwesomeBB :  Widgets on the right side & New display of Calendar Awesom11

2. The display of Calendar in AwesomeBB version has also been improved. Just click on your Calendar module to see the difference! 

(For those who have modified their templates related to the Calendar display, forcing default templates may be necessary to view the changes).

AwesomeBB :  Widgets on the right side & New display of Calendar Calend10

Administrators who have customized the templates in AwesomeBB version before 12/18/2020 must take the modifications below into account.

Thanks to our volunteer colleague @MattiaDes for his very detailed technical suggestions  :rose: !


Posts : 2062
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Language : French, English, Russian

skouliki, SLGray, YoshiGM, Niko, SarkZKalie, TonnyKamper, MattiaDes and like this post

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AwesomeBB :  Widgets on the right side & New display of Calendar Empty Re: AwesomeBB : Widgets on the right side & New display of Calendar

Post by Luzz Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:09 am

If you have customized, in your AwesomeBB version, the templates overall_header and index_body before this update, please make the following replacements.



Posts : 2062
Reputation : 374
Language : French, English, Russian

skouliki, SLGray, SarkZKalie, TonnyKamper, MattiaDes, trajce, RafaelS and like this post

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