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A novelty for your layout: footer widgets!

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A novelty for your layout: footer widgets! Empty A novelty for your layout: footer widgets!

Post by Luzz June 22nd 2023, 8:42 am

Footer widgets: more customization in your layout!

Dear users,

Today, we present a new improvement to Forumotion forums: Footer widgets.

This is a new area available to display widgets, namely at the bottom of the page. Indeed, this customization element was clearly missing from our forums!
From now on, you can choose to place (or not) widgets in the footer, while having control over their layout (they can be displayed in one to four columns).

How the Footer widgets are displayed on the forum?

Here is an example of what a forum footer might look like if the new "footer widgets" feature is enabled. Of course, as the number of columns in this area is configurable and the choice of widgets to display is specific to each one, the presentation possibilities are endless  Very Happy 

How to activate and configure Footer Widgets in the Administration Panel?

You can enable and manage this new widget location area from your admin panel:
Admin panel  Modules  Portal & Widgets  Footer widget management

A novelty for your layout: footer widgets! Widget10

It is possible to enable footer widgets either on all pages or only on the Forum Index and portal.

We offer several layout modes for these widgets, depending on the number of columns chosen. The layout is done intuitively, by first choosing the number of columns (maximum 4), then choosing the desired layout from the available models.

To choose the number of columns and see the display models available, use the “Add a column” and “Remove a column” buttons.


Then, click on the layout of your choice. Once the display mode has been chosen, click on “Save”.


Now you can move the widgets into the designated areas with the drag&drop method, the same way you do with forum and portal widgets.

As in other places in the forum, you can use both the Existing and Personal widgets to place them in the footer area.

Note that a new predefined and customizable widget has been added to our selection: the "About us" widget. This widget is intended to briefly present the forum, the community and the subject of discussions. Do not hesitate to write the best presentations to make visitors want to join your forum.


We invite you to discover the novelty without further delay, you will surely need several tests and adjustments to find the best selection of widgets for your footer, as well as the layout best suited to the design of your forum.

Admins who have customized the template overall_footer should consider the changes below.

Hope this can be useful to you,
Your Forumotion team.


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Language : French, English, Russian

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A novelty for your layout: footer widgets! Empty Re: A novelty for your layout: footer widgets!

Post by Luzz June 22nd 2023, 8:43 am

Administrators who have customized the following template should consider the changes below: overall_footer.
(Administrators who have not customized this template are not affected by these modifications natively included in the basic template of the forum)

The template affected by the changes below can be found here:

Administration Pannel  Display  Templates - GENERAL








Posts : 2016
Reputation : 370
Language : French, English, Russian

Zandranna, Ape, SLGray, Niko, TonnyKamper, trajce, poesia-verses and like this post

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