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New: save your new topics as drafts

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New: save your new topics as drafts Empty New: save your new topics as drafts

Post by Luzz Thu 29 Jun - 5:42

New: save your new topics as drafts

Dear community!

We have good news for all Forumotion users! Now you can save your drafts of new topics.

As you know, the "Draft" option worked on our forums until now only for topic replies. Our latest update allows you to create a draft of a new topic, find it in the list of your drafts, modify and publish when all the modifications are complete.

As a reminder, to be able to use drafts on your forum, the option must be activated in your administration panel:

Administration Panel  General  Messages and Emails - Configuration

New: save your new topics as drafts Draft-10

If drafts are enabled, the "Draft" button appears at the bottom of the editor when creating a new topic and in normal reply mode (the button is not available in quick reply mode).


Following this addition of 'draft' mode for new topics, instead of the old 'Drafts' tab on the profile editing page you now have two tabs – 'Message Drafts' and 'Topic Drafts'.

You now know everything about this new option, the integration is intuitive and resumes the way of using drafts that you already know!

Admins who have customized the template posting_body should consider the changes below.

Hoping this update will be helpful,
Your Forumotion Team.


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New: save your new topics as drafts Empty Re: New: save your new topics as drafts

Post by Luzz Thu 29 Jun - 5:50

Administrators who have customized the following template should consider the changes below: posting_body.
(Administrators who have not customized this template are not affected by these modifications natively included in the basic template of the forum)

The template affected by the changes below can be found here:

Administration Pannel  Display  Templates - POST & PRIVATE MESSAGES


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Posts : 2030
Reputation : 371
Language : French, English, Russian

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