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New : Grid Layout design for AwesomeBB & ModernBB

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Important New : Grid Layout design for AwesomeBB & ModernBB

Post by The Godfather August 14th 2024, 11:39 am

Grid Layout design for AwesomeBB & ModernBB

Dear Community,

Today, we are pleased to present a new mode of displaying the topics contained in a forum (or sub-forum), now available for the AwesomeBB and ModernBB versions: the GRID layout. The Grid layout is a modern design allowing to display the topics with a featured image. This display has the advantage of structuring your topics in a clear and orderly manner by using images to illustrate their points. Thus, the GRID mode allows better visual accessibility so that your members can quickly locate the content that interests them.

Here, as an example, is a preview of a forum displayed in GRID layout:

New : Grid Layout design for AwesomeBB & ModernBB Grid_e13

Enable GRID mode on a specific forum (or sub-forum)

Reminder: for the moment, the GRID mode display of forums is only available on the AwesomeBB and ModernBB versions of the Forumotion forums. Find below the explanations to activate this option and test this new display on your own forum.

Administration Panel  General  Forum - Categories & forums

When creating ( Add ) or modifying ( Edit ) a forum or a sub-forum, it is possible to display the topics in GRID layout by clicking on "Yes" to the option "Display the forum in “Grid Layout” design".

New : Grid Layout design for AwesomeBB & ModernBB Grid_e12

You can easily identify forums and sub-forums with GRID mode enabled by the presence of this icon:

New : Grid Layout design for AwesomeBB & ModernBB Icon-g10

Configure the display of a topic : how to change the featured image?

To add (or edit) the image of a topic, you just need to modify the URL of the Facebook image in the block "SEO Tools" which is at the bottom of each topic:

New : Grid Layout design for AwesomeBB & ModernBB Seo-to10

Note that if no image URL is provided, the first image URL found in the first message of the topic will be retrieved (under certain conditions). For more information on the Facebook image, see our tutorial: Outils SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).

Note : This new display mode is available for AwesomeBB and ModernBB versions, without any template changes. For administrators wishing to customize this display, a new template topics_grid_box will be available (as soon as possible) in Display  Templates  General.

 We thank all the Staff members and especially @MattiaDes, member of the Italian volunteer team, who suggested this new display option and who worked a lot with the technical team on its implementation. :rose:

Hoping that this new feature pleases you and your members,
See you soon!

The Forumotion team king

The Godfather
The Godfather

Posts : 5281
Reputation : 843

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