can i turn email confirmation off Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    can i turn email confirmation off


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    can i turn email confirmation off Empty can i turn email confirmation off

    Post by brandonmccoy April 24th 2008, 12:58 am

    when people register is it posible for me to turn of th email conformation part
    becuz it really turns people away from forums
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    can i turn email confirmation off Empty Re: can i turn email confirmation off

    Post by zakir321 April 24th 2008, 1:47 am

    I can't really track that this would drive your members away, because...

    1.) it's basically everywhere the case that you have to confirm your contact email
    2.) nobody can say, following once a link in an email is an remarkable exhausting effort. Wink
    3.) the email confirmation is there to protect your board from spammers, so it should be in their own interest to have this system running.

    Therefore, you can't deactivate this entirely. The only thing you can do, is to switch between user activation and admin activation. On admin activation you'll recieve the activation emails or can activate the members manually in "Users & Groups / Users / Inactive Users".

    Posts : 50
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    Language : english

    can i turn email confirmation off Empty Re: can i turn email confirmation off

    Post by brandonmccoy April 24th 2008, 2:41 am

    oh ok and the inactive user part i do that sometimes