Need Another Confirmation Email Hitskin_logo

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    Need Another Confirmation Email

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    Need Another Confirmation Email Empty Need Another Confirmation Email

    Post by GreenCowz December 14th 2008, 4:47 am

    Hi. I just recently made a forum, but I did not get the confirmation email. Sometimes, Comcast will block out emails from random people, when they're not on my spam list. Because of this, I have a second email address. How do I get another confirmation email sent to a different email address? Or, just how do I get another confirmation email sent?

    Male Posts : 11853
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    Language : English

    Need Another Confirmation Email Empty Re: Need Another Confirmation Email

    Post by Darren1 December 14th 2008, 4:50 am

    you can access your forum without the confirmation email.
    its just there for future reference.

    Got o ur forum ad login as
    User: Admin
    Password: whatever u made it when u signed up to the forum.
    New Member

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    Need Another Confirmation Email Empty Re: Need Another Confirmation Email

    Post by GreenCowz December 14th 2008, 4:54 am

    Nevermind.. I created a new one because I think there was something faulty. I tried typing in the link and it said it didn't exist. Thanks anyway!