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User Ranks

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User Ranks Empty User Ranks

Post by Luky Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:51 am

User Ranks

  • Ranks are only a visual distinction - they don't give any permission or authorization.
  • Giving a member the rank "Moderator" or "Administrator" does not actually make them moderators or administrators.
  • Members can only have special privileges when they are placed in a user group that contains special permissions.

To create a rank follow the directions below:
AP - Users & Groups - Rank administration - Add new rank


  • The "Sort" button allows you to sort the ranks to your liking.

When you click on the "Add new rank" button, your rank creation window will open in front of you.


You see the following fields to fill in:

Rank title - rank name, which will be displayed on the forum in the profile of the user to whom the rank has been assigned. This name will also be displayed in the list of ranks when you assign a rank to a user manually.
 This field has a maximum number of characters (95).

Set as special rank - this is where you need to choose your rank status. If you select "Yes", then your rank will be special and only administrators will be able to assign this rank to a user. If you select "No", then the rank will not be special and will be assigned automatically when the user reaches a certain number of posts on the forum.

If you specified "No" in the "Set as special rank" field, then there will be another rank creation field to fill in: Minimum Posts. For all non-special ranks, this field should be different. Otherwise, all users will have one non-special rank, which is the first in the list of ranks.

Rank image address - you can add the direct link for the image you want as a rank. If you don't have any custom images at the moment you can choose from the default ones. If you are looking for specially designed ranks created to your liking, be sure to send a graphic request with what you are looking for HERE.

When you're done with your rank click the "Save" button to publish it.


If you have created non-special ranks, they will be assigned to your users automatically.

If you have created special ranks, you need to manually assign ranks to your users:

AP - Users & Groups - Users management

Find the user you want to assign a rank to


When you find the user you want and click on their nickname, you will see the user control panel in front of you.
Go down to the very back and find "Rank title".


Click on the drop-down and you will see a list of the ranks you have created in your forum. Select the one you want and click the "Save" button.

        Customize color:

<font color="#9200DB">
at the beginning of the rank title and

at the end.
Values you can customize:
  • #9200DB - You can change this to any hex color value. You can also use "red" or "blue" instead of the hex code, you will need to remove the number sign though.
  • The position of the color - You can change the which parts of the rank you want to be a certain color by leaving everything you don't want changed outside the code and everything you want changed inside.

       Name value:

<font color="#9200DB">Administrator</font>
     Result: Administrator
       Name value:

<font color="#9200DB">Admin</font>istrator
     Result: Administrator

        Multiple Ranks:

after the the first title you entered; place the second title after.
       2 titles:

Rank title #1 <br> Rank Title#2
       3 titles:

Rank Title #1 <br> Rank Title #2 <br> Rank Title #3
       4 titles:

Rank Title #1 <br> Rank Title#2 <br> Rank Title #3 <br> Rank Title #4


        Bold font:

at the beginning of the rank title and

at the end.
Values you can customize:
  • The position of the bold font - You can change the which parts of the rank you want to be bold by leaving everything you don't want changed outside the code and everything you want changed inside.

       Name value:

<b><font color="#9200DB">Admin</font>istrator<b>
     Result: Administrator
       Name value:

     Result: Administrator

        Italicized font:

at the beginning of the rank title and

at the end.
Values you can customize:
  • The position of the italicized font - You can change the which parts of the rank you want to be italicized by leaving everything you don't want changed outside the code and everything you want changed inside.

       Name value:

<i><font color="#9200DB">Admin</font>istrator<i>
     Result: Administrator
       Name value:

     Result: Administrator


Male Posts : 6106
Reputation : 265
Language : Romanian, English
Location : Bucharest, Romania

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