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2 posters

    Moderates and other


    Posts : 121
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    Language : english boy

    Moderates and other Empty Moderates and other

    Post by Y2JDVD April 30th 2008, 7:03 pm

    the reason the titel does not specify my problem is cause i ahve several questions im affarid

    firtsy about mods

    1) how do i edit mods privalaiges
    2) how do i make certain mods only mod certain parts of the forum

    1)how do i stop users from cahngin thiername
    2)how do is stop users editing thier posts
    3)how do is top users deleting thie posts


    Female Posts : 3013
    Reputation : 11
    Language : English, Sarcasm and a bit of Swedish
    Location : Sweden Göteborg

    Moderates and other Empty Re: Moderates and other

    Post by Skittles April 30th 2008, 8:27 pm

    Okay first I will start with #2. How to make certain mods a mod of a specific forum.

    Now this is assuming that you have already given moderator rights to a member.
    Admin Panel >> Users and Groups >> Special Users, click on the moderators name listed >> click Permissions tab, now you will see a list of the categories, forums, and sub-forums you have listed, you will also see that at the end of each is a box you can check or uncheck. Just check mark the ones you want them to have moderator permissions for. While staying here, we will move to the next question.

    Now for #1 question. One of which is right where you were above, to set your mods to mod in certain forums. Just click on the name of the forum you want to set to edit the mods privileges for.

    Under the permissions box, click Advanced Mod, you will now see the different things you can select for the moderators to be able to do.

    In this same place is also the answer to your #2 and #3 in the second set of questions (Other). Uncheck Edit its own messages and Delete its own messages.

    Now you will notice that you have been redirected to the Forum >> Management >> Categories and Forums. This is where you create/add new forums, edit them and set the permissions.

    You can continue here, through all of your forums to set these permissions for both your moderators, and members.

    Altho, if you need to set a specific moderators permissions, you will have to go back to the first set, I spoke about, to access each moderator specifically.

    Now for question #1 in the Other area, how to keep members from changing their name.

    Admin Panel >> Users and Groups >> User Settings, scroll down to the User Settings heading and check NO to Allow Users to change their usernames.

    I hope that wasn't too confusing, as the answers to your questions were kind of overlapping each other. Wink
