Changing the moderates of sub-forums Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    Changing the moderates of sub-forums

    New Member

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    In progress Changing the moderates of sub-forums

    Post by Mudge June 17th 2011, 4:52 pm

    Changing the moderates of sub-forums 0586f03327610a32ed4f642a8c73faa3

    changing the moderaters?

    Male Posts : 10386
    Reputation : 1695
    Language : English and French
    Location : United Kingdom, England

    In progress Re: Changing the moderates of sub-forums

    Post by Base June 17th 2011, 5:28 pm

    Hi, could you be a little bit more specific in what you'd like to do?

    Do you wish to remove it or add more members? Also, please do not mark your topic as solved unless it is actually solved otherwise moderators will come and lock your topic. Wink