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    Changing Forums

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    Solved Changing Forums

    Post by Aden Sun 5 Apr 2009 - 0:19


    I currently have a forum for my alliance on a game I'm playing and I'd like to change it to the forum I used to use.

    This forum is the current one I'm using but I'd like to start using this one. (My forumotion one.)

    Now I was wondering if there is a way to copy everything over (groups, posts, registrations etc etc) so that I would not have to re-enter all the information!


    Last edited by Aden on Sun 5 Apr 2009 - 0:38; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 11037
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    Language : English,Vulcan,Klingon, Romulan,& Gorn

    Solved Re: Changing Forums

    Post by kirk Sun 5 Apr 2009 - 0:34

    the only thing you can do is copy the post from one forum and move it over to the other form one by one.

    you cant transfer all the forums data. forumotion dose not offer any transfers of data to another forum or least not yet. i have seen many people ask this befor. may be one day down the road they will have an option ware you can buy your data and transfer to another forum?
    but theres a lot involved in that. so most likely would not happen anytime soon.

    what you can do. if your going back to another forum or creating a new home for your forum. let all your members know and tell them they can move there post over to the new one if they least that will help you a lil so you dont have to do them all. if the members do it. but it's the same way they would have to copy there post and past to the the other forum.

    hope that helps
    New Member

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    Language : English

    Solved Re: Changing Forums

    Post by Aden Sun 5 Apr 2009 - 0:38

    Thanks that was a good swift response...
    I'll have a look and a little fiddle around and see if I can find a faster way of doing this...

    I might even script a little programme to do it for me - was just wondering if this was existant already but apparently not!


    Male Posts : 48766
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    Language : English
    Location : Mumbai

    Solved Re: Changing Forums

    Post by Sanket Sun 5 Apr 2009 - 6:59

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