changing the name of my forums. Hitskin_logo

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    changing the name of my forums.

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    changing the name of my forums. Empty changing the name of my forums.

    Post by samwilki January 31st 2009, 9:29 pm

    Hi, I want to know how to change the name of my forums from Home to Forums because I have looked everywere and I cant find were.

    changing the name of my forums. Empty Re: changing the name of my forums.

    Post by Guest January 31st 2009, 9:34 pm

    Hi samwilki,

    You obviously didn't look everywhere Wink Please follow these steps. Admin panel > General > Forums Adress > Edit.

    You have to keep the ending of your forum though. Like mine used to be postalboard, so you'd have to keep that on the ending, from what I can see.

    Or you can purchase a domain using Paypal or Allopass.

    Female Posts : 709
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    changing the name of my forums. Empty Re: changing the name of my forums.

    Post by akashic January 31st 2009, 9:38 pm

    samwilki wrote:Hi, I want to know how to change the name of my forums from Home to Forums because I have looked everywere and I cant find were.

    I take it you mean 'home' in your nav bar. I think the only way you can do this is to have buttons made. You can ask for buttons to be made in the graphic request forum., or you may find some you like already made in the self service gallery.