error in HTML posts in forum Hitskin_logo

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    error in HTML posts in forum

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    error in HTML posts in forum Empty error in HTML posts in forum

    Post by shadowslash May 7th 2008, 4:17 am

    Please I need help, how come the HTML code posts on my forum only show in preview and shows as a code in the Send option? I already enabled HTML on my forum. and all the necessary things (i guess?) I use <iframe></iframe> code on the post is that allowed? or if it isn't is there a substitute that would act just like that script? please do help T_T

    Male Posts : 6106
    Reputation : 264
    Language : Romanian, English
    Location : Bucharest, Romania

    error in HTML posts in forum Empty Re: error in HTML posts in forum

    Post by Luky May 7th 2008, 9:37 am

    Make sure you also enabled HTML from Profile=>Preferences tab(in your nav bar) and look for this option "Always allow HTML :" and choose Yes.