How do I  put HTML files on my forum? Or in Posts Hitskin_logo

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    How do I put HTML files on my forum? Or in Posts

    New Member

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    How do I  put HTML files on my forum? Or in Posts Empty How do I put HTML files on my forum? Or in Posts

    Post by ronmelville August 23rd 2009, 10:14 am

    How do I put HTML files or any files on my forum or in posts?

    Male Posts : 48766
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    Location : Mumbai

    How do I  put HTML files on my forum? Or in Posts Empty Re: How do I put HTML files on my forum? Or in Posts

    Post by Sanket August 23rd 2009, 2:23 pm

    You cannot put files on forumotion.

    You can create html pages.

    Posts : 700
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    Language : English

    How do I  put HTML files on my forum? Or in Posts Empty Re: How do I put HTML files on my forum? Or in Posts

    Post by Mystic_gohan2 August 23rd 2009, 2:24 pm

    and you can use iframe in the post so that HTML page comes in post

    Male Posts : 11037
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    How do I  put HTML files on my forum? Or in Posts Empty Re: How do I put HTML files on my forum? Or in Posts

    Post by kirk August 23rd 2009, 6:21 pm

    do you mean share files?
    if so just use a file host like or
    there are many different file host (you can google them). just be sure to read all forumotions tos and the file host tos. or you can have your forum shut down.

    you just cant share things that would break tos and your fine.

    Not sure if thats what he was asking?