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space between navlinks

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space between navlinks Empty space between navlinks

Post by anime god May 23rd 2008, 9:22 pm

how can i increase the space between the navlinks?
anime god

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space between navlinks Empty Re: space between navlinks

Post by Adiex May 24th 2008, 3:03 pm

hi anime,
you can increase space between nav link by using button that go hidden part on it. i mean some part of your nav link will show and some part of it will be hidden layer. maybe it will hard to understand it unless youre good ghrapic designer.

other option is just put text as your nav link while replacing the button with empty images.

after that your need to show up both images & text as nav link on your forum.

general > homepage > headers > Display only images in the link bar > YES

hope that clear enough.
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