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    Site indexing for Google...


    Female Posts : 220
    Reputation : 7
    Language : english

    Site indexing for Google... Empty Site indexing for Google...

    Post by Hayley June 1st 2008, 1:51 pm

    Hi all Hello ,

    I cant find a topic on this, so I have created one.
    My question is this, how can I create a site map, and index my site to googles preferences so that google can crawl my page properly? Can any one please explain it to me in plain english? I have read pages and pages of stuff on googles web tools, not much is making sense!! pale Please help me, I am trying to get traffic to my site.

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    Site indexing for Google... Empty Re: Site indexing for Google...

    Post by Tilum June 1st 2008, 2:17 pm


    Using Google Webmaster Tools.

    These tools show you when googlebot last visited your site, if there were any errors and what pages are indexed with google. It also shows you your sites top search queries, page rank and links in and out of your site. Finally you are able to submit a sitemap for your site and verify that you own it.

    Getting Started

    You will need to go here

    If you already have a google account, sign in, if you dont, you will need to make one. Once logged in you will land on the dashboard page and will see the option to 'click here and add a site' . Add your sites URL.

    Verifying your site

    Once you have added your site the next page will be the OVERVIEW page. A little yellow box saying next step will be there, asking you to verify your site. Click the verify your site link.

    The next page tells you your site is unverified and asks you to choose verification method. Select Add a Meta Tag. You then need to copy the subsequent meta tag that appears.

    Come back to the admin panel of your board>>>General>>>Homepage. You will see a box for meta tags. Your google meta tag MUST go in the top of this box at the very start or it wont work. Add the meta tag and save.

    Come back to Google Webmaster Tools and click verify. It will tell you that you have successfully verified your site and will tell you if any pages of your site are indexed in google.

    Submitting a Site Map

    The only way i know of to make a sitemap for forumotion forums at the moment is in my plain text sitemap tutorial [url= ]here[/url]here. Make up your site map following this.

    When finished and saved, come back to webmaster tools. Click Sitemaps in the lefthand menu and it will show you that you have none at the moment. Click add a sitemap then select General Web Sitemap. Add your sitemap URL and save.

    You will then be taken back to the sitemap overview page, where it will show a tick to say you have a site map and the number one, but its status will be pending. It can take some time to verify your sitemap is in the right format and working correctly. Keep checking. If it eventually shows errors, go through my sitemap tutorial again and see where you went wrong. If it shows no errors, you should then see how many URLS from your sitemap have been submitted and will be crawled by google.

    You can add up to 5 sitemaps.

    Using the Tools

    If you click Tools, in the left hand menu, you will see you have even more options. You can use 'Remove URLs' to get google to remove pages it has indexed on your site, that you dont want to be indexed. You can set your preffered domain, ie or There are many things you can do and they are quite straightforward, but this tutorial should get you started. I hope it helps you understand your site better and give you a little control over what gets indexed and what doesnt.

    Female Posts : 220
    Reputation : 7
    Language : english

    Site indexing for Google... Empty Re: Site indexing for Google...

    Post by Hayley June 1st 2008, 2:25 pm

    ok, I have created what I am hoping is a site map, saved it on my desktop. but what are the next steps? I tried to upload it to my forum, but it wont take anything...what am I doing wrong?? Thankyou for your reply, I just dont get why this is so hard!!
    Fustrating to say the least!!

    Female Posts : 220
    Reputation : 7
    Language : english

    Site indexing for Google... Empty Re: Site indexing for Google...

    Post by Hayley June 1st 2008, 2:34 pm

    ok, but I have to save the sitemap to the where do I save it on the forum? Im sorry and thankyou for your patience!!


    Female Posts : 220
    Reputation : 7
    Language : english

    Site indexing for Google... Empty Re: Site indexing for Google...

    Post by Hayley June 1st 2008, 3:44 pm

    So I have a google account, I have verified my site, I have clicked on add site index, and I put in the URL for my home page/index page. Is this correct?
    Or have I once again stuffed it all up Shit ? its says I should wait a few hours and then check.. so I will.
    If you think I have wasted my time and I should do something else can you tell me what??
    Thankyou again!!


    Female Posts : 220
    Reputation : 7
    Language : english

    Site indexing for Google... Empty Re: Site indexing for Google...

    Post by Hayley June 1st 2008, 4:21 pm

    nope, it didnt work. Can anyone give me the correct way of doing this..?
    I might be bald by morning!! LOL


    Female Posts : 220
    Reputation : 7
    Language : english

    Site indexing for Google... Empty Re: Site indexing for Google...

    Post by Hayley June 1st 2008, 4:59 pm

    63 people have viewed my question, but no one can answer me. Ok what about another question... Has anyone successfully submitted a sitemap to google, and if so, how did you do it?
    I know how to add the site url and verify it with google, I just cant get it to my forum, for google to get it from my site!
    Help me please!

    Posts : 137
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English

    Site indexing for Google... Empty Re: Site indexing for Google...

    Post by DSDU June 18th 2008, 4:59 pm

    Oh wow, how frustrating! I came here hoping to get the solution...well, let's work it out together Very Happy
