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The option of making posts in a forum not count to your total posts.

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Ability to disable post count in some boards?

The option of making posts in a forum not count to your total posts. Left1183%The option of making posts in a forum not count to your total posts. Right11 83% 
[ 5 ]
The option of making posts in a forum not count to your total posts. Left1117%The option of making posts in a forum not count to your total posts. Right11 17% 
[ 1 ]
Total Votes : 6
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The option of making posts in a forum not count to your total posts. Empty The option of making posts in a forum not count to your total posts.

Post by Kromoh June 3rd 2008, 5:25 am

Juts something I thought of. In some forums, a "sandbox" is usually kept - for playing around, making senseless games and etc. For the sake of keeping the rank system and the post count workful, I believe that the option to disallow post count for certain boards would be more than welcome. That way, people may play away in game forums without it being considered spam.
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The option of making posts in a forum not count to your total posts. Empty Re: The option of making posts in a forum not count to your total posts.

Post by Lp3 June 4th 2008, 6:25 pm

I was going to ask this.

I voted for yes because I think it's really useful if you want to have not so serious "spam" discussion
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The option of making posts in a forum not count to your total posts. Empty Re: The option of making posts in a forum not count to your total posts.

Post by Jophy March 27th 2013, 8:25 am

Suggestion Clean up

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-> Unclear Suggestions

Locked & Garbaged

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