How do i "unlock" my forum to let people sign up Hitskin_logo

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    How do i "unlock" my forum to let people sign up

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    How do i "unlock" my forum to let people sign up Empty How do i "unlock" my forum to let people sign up

    Post by ANGELS_BASEBALL June 27th 2008, 9:31 am

    my friend was trying to sign up for my forum, and it says, "Administrators have forbidden any new members."

    how do i UNLOCK it?
    please help!

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    How do i "unlock" my forum to let people sign up Empty Re: How do i "unlock" my forum to let people sign up

    Post by Luky June 27th 2008, 10:54 am

    Go to admin panel=>Users & Groups=>Users=>Users settings and look for this option "Allow new members :" and choose Yes then click the Save button.
    New Member

    Female Posts : 12
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    How do i "unlock" my forum to let people sign up Empty Re: How do i "unlock" my forum to let people sign up

    Post by ANGELS_BASEBALL June 27th 2008, 7:31 pm

    Ok I did and it still wont let anyone join ):