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index forum width

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index forum width Empty index forum width

Post by che ab August 19th 2008, 8:11 pm

hi all. i would like my index page to be wider bcoz its seem to be a lil bit small. i have already changed it to 94% from 70% before but it seems like nothings changed.can somebody help me...

my forum address is :
che ab

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index forum width Empty Re: index forum width

Post by vvw August 22nd 2008, 3:26 am

94%, as I'm sure you've guessed, should take up most of the width of the screen, and yours doesn't. In fact, yours appears to have a fixed width and isn't changing according to my browser size.

I have a suggestion which is going to sound silly, but could be the problem you are having - the above screen behaviour suggests that you have set a fixed width... did you actually put a percentage (%) symbol in the field where you adjusted the width? If not, your width won't be what you want it to be. I think you need to add the percentage symbol.

Good luck!

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