members unable to sign into forum - invisible writing Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    members unable to sign into forum - invisible writing


    Female Posts : 186
    Reputation : 2
    Language : English
    Location : UK

    members unable to sign into forum - invisible writing Empty members unable to sign into forum - invisible writing

    Post by spirit09 August 29th 2008, 12:55 am


    I believe this is a TECH problem but I am unable to post in that forum.

    Some of my members are having problems signing into my forum - when they type in the username and password boxes, the cursor moves along but the writing is invisible and when they then press log in they get the incorrect information message?

    This problem has occurred for people using IE and FF and I even experienced it for myself (which was only when I had been told about it by another member because I am always signed in)

    My forum is still pretty new as forums go and the last thing I need is too lose members because they give up after not being able to sign in.

    I look forward to your help as soon as possible the site address is

    Many Thanks


    Female Posts : 256
    Reputation : 13
    Language : english
    Location : Texas

    members unable to sign into forum - invisible writing Empty Re: members unable to sign into forum - invisible writing

    Post by Aloverssunset August 29th 2008, 3:10 am

    Your font is white and the imput field is white. You may have to change your font color, and if you know css you can edite the field color as well.


    Female Posts : 186
    Reputation : 2
    Language : English
    Location : UK

    members unable to sign into forum - invisible writing Empty Re: members unable to sign into forum - invisible writing

    Post by spirit09 August 29th 2008, 9:35 pm


    I was aware that the default text colour was white when posting a message, but this is easily changed so doesnt represent any problems.

    The log in page however causes a great deal of problems, even when members have entered the correct information - invisibly - they still get the same message.

    Thanks for looking any way.