How Do I Limit access to my forum? (I want only certain people to be able to join) Hitskin_logo

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    How Do I Limit access to my forum? (I want only certain people to be able to join)

    New Member

    Posts : 3
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    How Do I Limit access to my forum? (I want only certain people to be able to join) Empty How Do I Limit access to my forum? (I want only certain people to be able to join)

    Post by Bonnenuit September 19th 2008, 4:34 pm

    Basically I am making a forum for a breastfeeding support group in my area and want to make it so that in order to register the admin must accept you.

    I looked in FAQ but couldn't find anything on this but then again I have a 9 month old baby running around and it makes it difficult to read.

    Thanks in advance!

    Female Posts : 261
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    Language : english

    How Do I Limit access to my forum? (I want only certain people to be able to join) Empty Re: How Do I Limit access to my forum? (I want only certain people to be able to join)

    Post by timsmrs1 September 19th 2008, 5:03 pm

    admin panel

    users and groups

    users options

    new account activation - ADMIN ONLY
    New Member

    Posts : 3
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    How Do I Limit access to my forum? (I want only certain people to be able to join) Empty Re: How Do I Limit access to my forum? (I want only certain people to be able to join)

    Post by Bonnenuit September 19th 2008, 5:07 pm

    Thank you!

    Female Posts : 261
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english

    How Do I Limit access to my forum? (I want only certain people to be able to join) Empty Re: How Do I Limit access to my forum? (I want only certain people to be able to join)

    Post by timsmrs1 September 19th 2008, 5:08 pm
