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    thread closed after 990 posts...


    Posts : 134
    Reputation : 3
    Language : English

    thread closed after 990 posts... Empty thread closed after 990 posts...

    Post by Spectre November 14th 2008, 11:10 am

    A thread automatically closed if the thread have more than 50 pages (990 messages) ????
    because there was automatically a new thread created and the thread with the same title was closed (the ne with 50 pages and 990 posts) ...

    How can I disable this ? I want that the thread have more than 50 pages !!!

    anyone can help here?

    best greetings


    thread closed after 990 posts... Empty Re: thread closed after 990 posts...

    Post by Guest November 14th 2008, 11:15 am

    I'm afraid you can't there are limits set on the size of an individual forum and when they are reached another one is opened with the same title.

    Male Posts : 11037
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    thread closed after 990 posts... Empty Re: thread closed after 990 posts...

    Post by kirk November 14th 2008, 11:32 am

    hey wait. what if you created a sticky within that thread?
    then everyone can continue by going to the sticky and it should go on and continue by pages too?

    nope never mind all that dose is turn the whole thread into a sticky. lol!
    Guess we have to wait for them to up it.

    but I'll tell ya 50 pages is a tremendous thread.

    Male Posts : 115
    Reputation : 0
    Language : Polish, Lil bit English

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    Post by tid November 14th 2008, 1:40 pm

    There's a way, i think...

    Go to General==> Messages and Emails

    Under Allow topics titles color is that, what you're lookig for. Sorry, but i don't know, how is it called, cause i use another language... But this option will help you Wink

    Male Posts : 450
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    Location : Some where in NY

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    Post by endless013 November 14th 2008, 2:20 pm

    HERE is something about some of the limits for the forums, they do miss a few though like the 50 PM's limit. the 990 is a set limit, it should spit though and leave a shadow topic.

    Last edited by endless013 on November 14th 2008, 9:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 361
    Reputation : 23
    Language : English

    thread closed after 990 posts... Empty Re: thread closed after 990 posts...

    Post by Brandon November 14th 2008, 9:14 pm

    You can't change it, and it's not 50 pages. It depends on how many posts per page you have set on your forum. After a thread gets about 1100 posts, it splits. The original thread is locked and rolls back to 990 posts, and a new one is created.

    edit- actually, you might be able to just unlock the original thread and continue to post in it. try that

    Posts : 134
    Reputation : 3
    Language : English

    thread closed after 990 posts... Empty Re: thread closed after 990 posts...

    Post by Spectre November 15th 2008, 11:47 am

    k thx everyone!
    it seems that there is no solution..

    Male Posts : 188
    Reputation : -33
    Language : English
    Location : New Jersey

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    Post by Franchise December 4th 2008, 4:28 pm

    maaaaaaaaaaaan... I sure wish there was a way to change this!! My members are getting upset with me when a topic splits and locks and then they dont know which one to post in.

    It kinda sucks to be honest but hey... I just hafta deal with it I guess!