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Some part of admin interface are missing

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Some part of admin interface are missing Empty Some part of admin interface are missing

Post by dede November 16th 2008, 4:10 am

Is this normal?

Cause I noticed there should be Credits Management part in misc tab, and it isn't there.
And this new notepad, it doesn't appear.
Where in my other forum, it is there.
Is this because I'm using punBB style?
'Cause I know I should be able to change my domain name, but how do I do it if the 'personalize my domain' part is missing?
I give you some screenshot,
<a href="¤t=1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
the missing credits management

<a href="¤t=3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
you'll notice there are 2 part missing, the forum address and forum deletion,

last, notepad is missing.
<a href="¤t=2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Please tell me if you have any help, thx,
Btw, I'm having a problem too, my forum always made the user log off unintended in some period, I'm having it too as Admin, sometime when I'm in admin interface, I'm just logged off, I don't know why is this happened. So it kind of bothering to having repeatidily login.Rolling Eyes
Maybe it's something with the cookies?

Last edited by dede on November 16th 2008, 4:12 am; edited 1 time in total
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Some part of admin interface are missing Empty Re: Some part of admin interface are missing

Post by kjmj14 November 16th 2008, 4:12 am

You will be needing the help of the Forumotion Technicians.
These is a serious problem.

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Some part of admin interface are missing Empty Re: Some part of admin interface are missing

Post by Tricky14 November 16th 2008, 4:13 am

Only the founder account can view those links that you specified. Also, the founder account must activate the Notepad before other admins can use it.

I am not sure about the second problem though.

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Some part of admin interface are missing Empty Re: Some part of admin interface are missing

Post by dede November 16th 2008, 4:15 am

it is? really?
i'll tell the forum address if the technician needs it.
hope some technicians will see this topic. Crying or Very sad
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Some part of admin interface are missing Empty Re: Some part of admin interface are missing

Post by dede November 16th 2008, 4:23 am

Tricky14 wrote:Only the founder account can view those links that you specified. Also, the founder account must activate the Notepad before other admins can use it.

I am not sure about the second problem though.

wow Very Happy that solved my problems!! thank you, Hello
previously I'm using the other admin username that is not a founder.

thank you!

anyway, could a moderator please split my first post here so the problem with login will put in correct subforum, thx.
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Some part of admin interface are missing Empty Re: Some part of admin interface are missing

Post by Tricky14 November 16th 2008, 4:28 am

Yes, I use a second account instead of my main account and sometimes I will forget and wonder where those pieces are. Razz

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