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    lets all speak french


    Male Posts : 309
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    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty lets all speak french

    Post by marx123 March 19th 2007, 2:19 pm

    First topic message reminder :

    well some like to Learn French
    as for me too..
    tristou as said on my suggestion here in this forum
    so i began to make a topic thread..
    to make us learn how to peak frnech

    frnech members must write

    french translation : Bonjour monseiur!

    English translation : Hello sir!

    then more....

    pls post more to make us learn the french language..
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    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Avocado May 8th 2007, 2:43 am

    French_artiste wrote:Avocado, parlons du francais s'il te plais.
    (I'm bored cmon plz)

    Pourquoi? Je ne veux pas parle francais parce que je suis fatigue et je ne peux pas parler bien. Parler anglais est facile, mais francais... c'est difficile

    Why? I don't want to speak french becuase I am tired and I can't speak it very well. Speaking english is easy, but french... it's difficult
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    Location : I am hanging from the fruit tree, waiting to be picked and eaten

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Avocado May 8th 2007, 2:45 am

    French_artiste wrote:avocado, comment ajoutes-tu l'accent sur le 'e'?
    peut-etre je suis meilleure en francais, mais les ordinateurs et moi ne vont pas trop bien ensembles...

    "how do you add an accent over 'e'? maybe im better in french but computers and me don't go well together..."

    (I copy and paste it from my school's world language site, since my computer can't type accents)
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    Female Posts : 12
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    Language : english... but that's boring so i'd much rather speak french.
    Location : America

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by French_artiste May 8th 2007, 2:49 am

    Avocado wrote:
    Pourquoi? Je ne veux pas parle francais parce que je suis fatigue et je ne peux pas parler bien. Parler anglais est facile, mais francais... c'est difficile

    Why? I don't want to speak french becuase I am tired and I can't speak it very well. Speaking english is easy, but french... it's difficult

    ne me dit pas de mensonges... je sais que tu n'est pas fatigue...

    "don't lie to me, i know you're not tired"
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    Female Posts : 12
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    Language : english... but that's boring so i'd much rather speak french.
    Location : America

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by French_artiste May 8th 2007, 2:49 am

    Avocado wrote:
    French_artiste wrote:avocado, comment ajoutes-tu l'accent sur le 'e'?
    peut-etre je suis meilleure en francais, mais les ordinateurs et moi ne vont pas trop bien ensembles...

    "how do you add an accent over 'e'? maybe im better in french but computers and me don't go well together..."

    (I copy and paste it from my school's world language site, since my computer can't type accents)

    oooo... *snaps fingers* dang it!
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    Location : I am hanging from the fruit tree, waiting to be picked and eaten

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Avocado May 8th 2007, 2:56 am

    eh... Zut! Ferme la grande bouche, s'il vous plait! J'ai mal a la tete!! C'est huit heures cinquante-deux (8h52)! Bonne nuit!

    eh...Darn! Close your big mouth, if you please! My head hurts! It's eight fifty-two (8:52)! Good night!
    New Member

    Female Posts : 12
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english... but that's boring so i'd much rather speak french.
    Location : America

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by French_artiste May 8th 2007, 2:58 am

    Avocado wrote:eh... Zut! Ferme la grande bouche, s'il vous plait! J'ai mal a la tete!! C'est huit heures cinquante-deux (8h52)! Bonne nuit!

    eh...Darn! Close your big mouth, if you please! My head hurts! It's eight fifty-two (8:52)! Good night!

    c'est 8h57 maintenant car tu est si lent a ecrire en francais, et a mon avis, tu dis beaucoup de mensonges. Premiere, tu ne veut pas que j'arrete de parler; je sais que tu t'amuse (et aussi je peux lire tes pensees). seconde, tu ne te couches pas a neuf heures!

    "it's 8:57 now since you are so slow at writing in french, and in my opinion, you are telling a bunch o lies. first of all, tu don't want me to stop speaking; i know u are amusing yourself (and also i can read your thoughts). second of all, you don't go to bed at 9!"

    (that's a mouthfull)
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    Male Posts : 8
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    Location : I am hanging from the fruit tree, waiting to be picked and eaten

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Avocado May 8th 2007, 3:12 am

    ... I have nothing to say that I can say in french...
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    Female Posts : 12
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    Language : english... but that's boring so i'd much rather speak french.
    Location : America

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by French_artiste May 8th 2007, 3:15 am


    have hope sometime you will learn

    Male Posts : 8969
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    Language : English, French & Female
    Location : You can't fly like the phenix

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Caihlem May 8th 2007, 10:05 am

    French_artiste & Avocado, please avoid double triple posting lets all speak french - Page 3 Redface

    Also, the aim of this subject is to show some basics, if not to translate what was said Wink
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    Location : I am hanging from the fruit tree, waiting to be picked and eaten

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Avocado May 8th 2007, 9:13 pm


    I need to study for a french exam...
    Je dois etudie pour une francais examin

    (i think that's right)
    New Member

    Male Posts : 2
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    Language : French / Français for the moment ^^

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Benjik59 May 9th 2007, 9:06 pm

    Yes ^^ But you forgot the accents Smile (I'm French xD)

    It's an "examen" and not an "examin" ^^

    Oui ^^ Mais tu oublies les accents Smile (Je suis français xD)

    C'est un "examen" et pas un "examin" ^^

    Male Posts : 309
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    Language : english , pilipino, french(al ittle)
    Location : philippines

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by marx123 May 16th 2007, 1:50 pm

    hi guys i'm back
    whew guess what..i've been taking care of my grand pa who is sick and has liver and colon cancer..
    so i havent have time to go here...
    and the thing is i passed the college entrance exam..which is im going to go college
    im taking the course philosophy

    hmm this topic is surely is a hit..and ive been learning frech too and here hehe...


    can you guys translate this in french..

    hi! I'm marx, I live here in the philippines.
    18 years old...single..

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Guest May 17th 2007, 5:04 pm

    This thread is quite useful for people learning the basics like me, I still know a fair amount:

    Bonjour = Hello
    Salut = Hi
    Oui = Yes
    Non = No
    Chambre = Bedroom
    Salle = Room
    Que = What (i think there are more french translations for what, I don't know ^^")

    And I know quite a bit more, but not enough to develop full sentences

    Male Posts : 86
    Reputation : 0
    Language : French and English. (You can correct me. ^^)
    Location : Montreal, Quebec.

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by maëlstrom_19 May 20th 2007, 8:50 pm

    Questions words >>

    What = Quoi
    Why = Pourquoi
    Where = Où
    When = Quand
    How = Comment
    How many / much = Combien

    Que doesn't have exact translation, and it isn't use to make questions. It could be Then, That or some other things. I noticed some sentences doesn't use it but the same sentences in french uses. ¬¬'

    Fruits >>

    Apple = Pomme
    Banana = Banane
    Orange = Orange
    Pinapple = Ananas
    Grape = Rasin
    Tomato = Tomate
    Patato = Patate

    Animals >>

    Rabbit = Lapin
    Frog = Grenouille
    Cow = Vache
    Horse = Cheval
    Fish = Poisson
    Cat = Chat
    Dog = Chien
    Mince or mouse (not sure...) = souris

    Body parts >>

    Arms = Bras
    Legs = Jambes
    Foots = Pieds
    Eyes = Yeux (singular: oeil)
    Hairs = Cheveux
    Nose = Nez
    Mouth = Bouche
    Head = Tête
    Brain = Cerveau

    Stuff >>

    Pencil = Crayon
    Eraser = Efface
    Pencil case = Coffre à crayons
    Sheet = feuille
    Loose leaf sheet = feuille lignée
    Desk = Bureau
    Computer = Ordinateur

    Place >>

    House = Maison
    Street = Rue
    Building = Gratte-ciel or Immeuble
    Country = Pays
    State = État
    City = Ville
    Bridge = Pont
    River = Rivière

    Languages names >>
    (also use for the peoples who lives in the country)

    French = Français
    English = Anglais
    Germany = Allemand
    Italian = Italien
    Spanish = Espagnol
    Language of Japan = Japonnais
    Language of china = Chinois
    Russian = Russe
    Australian = Australien

    Peoples who lives in >>

    British = Britannique
    Quebecer = Québecois ^^ (Will quebec split it-self of the canada ?)
    American = Américain
    Mexican = Mexicain

    Feels >>

    Mad = Fâché
    Sad = Triste
    Tierd = fatigué or tanné
    Bored = Ennuyé
    Sick = Malade
    English = Masculin / Feminine
    in love = Amoureux/Amoureuse
    happy = Joyeux/joyeuse
    Crazy = Fou/Folle

    Forms >>

    Triangle = Triangle
    Square = Carré
    Circle = Cercle

    Numbers >>

    One = Un
    Two = Deux
    Three = Trois
    Four = Quatre
    Five = Cinq
    Six = Six
    Seven = Sept
    Heigh = Huit
    Nine = Neuf
    Ten = Dix

    Qualification >>

    Big = Grand
    Medium = Moyen
    Small = Petit
    Hight = Hauteur
    Weight = Largeur
    Lenght = Épaisseur/Profondeur
    High = Haut
    Weigh = Large
    Lengh = Épais/Profond
    Fast = Rapide
    Slow = Lent
    English = Masculin / Feminine
    Wonderfull = Merveilleux/Merveilleuse
    Beautiful = Beau/Belle
    Ugly = Laid/laide
    Strong = Fort/forte

    Moderator can correct me or add stuff. Smile

    Last edited by on May 24th 2007, 11:41 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Male Posts : 8969
    Reputation : 342
    Language : English, French & Female
    Location : You can't fly like the phenix

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Caihlem May 21st 2007, 12:34 am

    I am Grand, the reste are petit lets all speak french - Page 3 Redface
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    Location : France

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Eximma May 21st 2007, 9:20 am

    maëlstrom_19 wrote:
    English = Masculin / Feminine

    Wonderfull = Merveilleux/Merveilleuse
    Butifull = Beau/Belle
    Ugly = Laid/laide
    Strong = Fort/forte

    I think the word is not "Butiful" but "beautiful" Razz

    Caihem wrote:I am Grand, the reste are petit

    C'est un mélange anglais/français ça non ? xD
    It is an English/French mix ? xD

    maëlstrom_19 wrote:Brain = Cerveau

    A new Word for Caihlem Lol happy ? ^^"
    Kol Vol
    Kol Vol

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    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Kol Vol May 21st 2007, 6:12 pm

    Je ne parle bien francais, ma proffeseur est 20 jours malade.

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    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Tristou May 21st 2007, 10:12 pm

    De toute façon, il faut plisieurs années, beaucoup d'années pour bien parler français

    Anyway, to speak a fluent french, it requiremany many years.
    Kol Vol
    Kol Vol

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    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Kol Vol May 22nd 2007, 8:25 am

    I was about to say: Quest'ce'que c'est

    Or something like that Very Happy
    RPG Lord
    RPG Lord
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    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by RPG Lord May 22nd 2007, 12:59 pm

    French is totaly not my language bros Razz

    Male Posts : 8969
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    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Caihlem May 23rd 2007, 9:52 pm

    max--- wrote:
    maëlstrom_19 wrote:Brain = Cerveau

    A new Word for Caihlem Lol happy ? ^^"

    T'es mort lets all speak french - Page 3 As253

    He's dead Lol
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    Language : French / Français for the moment ^^

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Benjik59 May 27th 2007, 9:05 pm

    Kol Vol wrote:I was about to say: Quest'ce'que c'est

    Or something like that Very Happy

    We say : Qu'est-ce que c'est

    Nous disons : Qu'est-ce que c'est
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    Language : english

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by kingstreet June 18th 2007, 11:34 am

    Peut-être bien oui..
    gamst of hesselink
    gamst of hesselink
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    Location : Aulnay sous bois in france.

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by gamst of hesselink June 20th 2007, 12:46 am

    coucou tout le monde,on s'amuse bien?
    hi everyone,one has fun?

    Male Posts : 29
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    Language : French & learning english :)
    Location : Val-de-Marne, Île-de-France, France

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Elfix September 15th 2007, 5:37 pm

    Oh! I'm sorry if I bump this topic...

    I didn't know that some english people wants to speak french: good luck lets all speak french - Page 3 Redface

    Oh! Je suis désolé si j' "up" ce sujet, mais je ne savais pas que des anglais voulaient apprendre à parler français: bonne chance! lets all speak french - Page 3 Redface

    I'm actually learning English. So easy :p ! But I need to perfect it, so... If someone want to keep this lesson... lol!

    J'apprends en ce moment l'anglais. C'est facile :p ! Mais j'ai besoin de le perfectionner. Si quelqu'un veut bien continuer la leçon... Very Happy

    Last edited by on September 15th 2007, 5:44 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Male Posts : 8969
    Reputation : 342
    Language : English, French & Female
    Location : You can't fly like the phenix

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Caihlem September 15th 2007, 5:40 pm

    Lesson 1: It's a "bump" and no a "up" thumright

    Lesson 1: C'est un "Bump" et pas un "Up" Thumb down

    Male Posts : 29
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    Language : French & learning english :)
    Location : Val-de-Marne, Île-de-France, France

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Elfix September 15th 2007, 5:42 pm

    Okkk I edit Embarassed

    Male Posts : 8969
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    Location : You can't fly like the phenix

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Caihlem September 15th 2007, 5:52 pm

    Faut bien apprendre Razz

    There's only one way to learn Razz

    (La honte quand meme Razz)
    (Shame anyway Razz)

    Male Posts : 29
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    Language : French & learning english :)
    Location : Val-de-Marne, Île-de-France, France

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Elfix September 15th 2007, 5:58 pm

    However, "up" is an english word... Confused lets all speak french - Page 3 Redface lets all speak french - Page 3 Redface

    *so easy to learn Shocked ?*

    PS/ ça voudrait pas plutôt dire "Il n'y a qu'une seule façon d'apprendre" ? ok je sors... Arrow

    Male Posts : 8969
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    Location : You can't fly like the phenix

    lets all speak french - Page 3 Empty Re: lets all speak french

    Post by Caihlem September 15th 2007, 10:40 pm

    J'ai triché lets all speak french - Page 3 Redface

    Up c'est bien anglais, mais comment veux-tu, nous sommes compliqués Lol

    Up is an english term, but you know, we're complicated Lol