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Hocus Pocus

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Hocus Pocus Empty Re: Hocus Pocus

Post by Billi Butcherson 9/12/2008, 09:51

Category: Art & Culture

Hocus Pocus, Billy Butcherson


Main Language: English

Hocus Pocus, Billy Butcherson is for fans of the Disney movie, Hocus Pocus, and for the oft-overlooked character of Billy Butcherson, the "good Zombie". There are discussion forums for both movie and characters, as well as forums for fanfiction and fanart. There are two role-playing categories: One is for general role-playing in the Hocus Pocus universe, while the other is for role-playing in a Billy Butcherson-inspired universe I call, "Earth Angels".

So, if you are fan of the movie, or of just Billy Butcherson, or even if you would just like to play a "good Zombie", come and join Hocus Pocus, Billy Butcherson.
Billi Butcherson
Billi Butcherson
New Member

Female Posts : 6
Reputation : 0
Language : English

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