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Smilies not working...

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Smilies not working... Empty Smilies not working...

Post by Guest December 21st 2008, 9:54 pm

We added some new smilies to our forum recently but some of them amongst the new ones are not working. We tried reinstalling them even but that didn't work for us.

What actually happens is that in the 'POST REPLY' box when we click on the smiley to add it to our post it doesn't appear in it. Even if the codes do appear in the actual post the smiley doesn't appear only the codes do.

Can someone help resolve this issue or error???

We'd be thankful..!!! Smile

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Smilies not working... Empty Re: Smilies not working...

Post by Rok December 21st 2008, 10:02 pm

Try clicking the Smilies not working... Switch_wysiwyg button above your 'reply box'. You probally set something wrong.

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