Limit signature to one post per thread for each user. Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    Limit signature to one post per thread for each user.

    New Member

    Male Posts : 4
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English

    Limit signature to one post per thread for each user. Empty Limit signature to one post per thread for each user.

    Post by IOI-RLZ April 6th 2007, 7:16 pm


    Is there an option by which I can make sure that the signature of each member appears only in the first post in a thread and not after that, because some of my members have large signatures, and I want to avoid it being displayed everytime.

    I know there is a manual option, but wanted to see if there is a automatic setting for the same.

    Thank you

    Mav ....

    Male Posts : 8969
    Reputation : 342
    Language : English, French & Female
    Location : You can't fly like the phenix

    Limit signature to one post per thread for each user. Empty Re: Limit signature to one post per thread for each user.

    Post by Caihlem April 6th 2007, 7:27 pm

    Hi, support isn't done here, but in the Support forum Wink

    Since it's in the wrong forum I'm locking