guys how can i make admin or mod acess to admin panel Hitskin_logo

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    guys how can i make admin or mod acess to admin panel


    Male Posts : 62
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english

    guys how can i make admin or mod acess to admin panel Empty guys how can i make admin or mod acess to admin panel

    Post by warcraft April 6th 2007, 8:00 pm

    guys how can i make admin or mod acess to admin panel pelase help me this i want my admin to acess to admin panel i have a created a rank it still doesnot work or i created a grup pelase help me

    guys how can i make admin or mod acess to admin panel Empty Re: guys how can i make admin or mod acess to admin panel

    Post by Wiegraf April 6th 2007, 8:08 pm


    Go to :
    Admin Pannel > Users Admin > Permissions

    Select the member's nickname, and :
    User level : administrator Wink

    A mod cannot access the admin pannel, only admins can Wink

    Male Posts : 62
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english

    guys how can i make admin or mod acess to admin panel Empty Re: guys how can i make admin or mod acess to admin panel

    Post by warcraft April 6th 2007, 8:10 pm

    hi thanks a lot