how exactly do you make someone a mederator and give them acess to admin panel? Hitskin_logo

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3 posters

    how exactly do you make someone a mederator and give them acess to admin panel?


    Posts : 31
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    Language : Vancouver, British Columbia

    how exactly do you make someone a mederator and give them acess to admin panel? Empty how exactly do you make someone a mederator and give them acess to admin panel?

    Post by rpongracz March 18th 2011, 9:13 pm

    i dont want to make them an worried they will kick me out and ruin the there any way someone els with administration privilages could do that to me...the founder? take over?

    Posts : 32
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    Language : english

    how exactly do you make someone a mederator and give them acess to admin panel? Empty Re: how exactly do you make someone a mederator and give them acess to admin panel?

    Post by lalalamda22 March 18th 2011, 9:15 pm

    No, the founder can not be edited unless they are on your account.

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    how exactly do you make someone a mederator and give them acess to admin panel? Empty Re: how exactly do you make someone a mederator and give them acess to admin panel?

    Post by Jophy March 19th 2011, 7:54 am


    Only the users on the original admin group have the permissions to access the admin panel, if you will put a certain user to this group, they will get the administration powers and the color of the group so the only way is to put that mod on the admin group.