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    Link for new private message has arrived


    Posts : 355
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    Link for new private message has arrived Empty Link for new private message has arrived

    Post by wow99 Thu Feb 12 2009, 00:14

    I have a domain name for my forum (not the forumotion one) and would like that to be used as much as possible.

    When there's a PM members get an email saying there is a new Private message including a link.

    This link is the 'old' forumotion's address and not the proper domain name. Is there somewhere where I can change this setting?

    Thanks in advance.

    Male Posts : 413
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    Location : Canada

    Link for new private message has arrived Empty Re: Link for new private message has arrived

    Post by Amandeep619 Fri Feb 13 2009, 04:41

    Why would you want to change this? You are representing forumotion by using the same domain, and I don't think that you can change this. You might change the URL, but you are still using forumotion and that is what will be displayed!