Button/Navbar help! Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    Button/Navbar help!


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    Button/Navbar help! Empty Button/Navbar help!

    Post by TR March 13th 2009, 2:55 pm

    so I sliced up this navbar on photoshop very carefully into individual images:

    And then put the indvidual images on "Home, FAQ, Search, Members," and etc, and to my unpleasant suprise it shunk they and split them up because the words where still by the, you can see what I mean by going to my test forum:


    So how would I fix this? I'd like this to look something like this:

    Thanks in advance,
    Active Poster

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    Button/Navbar help! Empty Re: Button/Navbar help!

    Post by magicm00n March 13th 2009, 3:00 pm

    To fix this, Go to Display>> Headers & Navigation>> Page headers>> Display only images in the link bar>> Yes.