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Confused With RPG

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Confused With RPG Empty Confused With RPG

Post by Marcelino March 13th 2009, 6:30 pm

Can you help me ??
It's about RPG (Role Play Game)
For what if now I roll the dice than what I must do...
the game just rolling the dices what the effects??
then I have choice list in my RPG can you help me with that
tell me What must I do ?
Because I'm a GameMaster There...
Thank You Explain all the type please..
-Choice list

What I must do after member roll the dice..?
Tell me please...
email : REMOVED ~ MrMario
can you tell the answer to my email thank you !
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Confused With RPG Empty Re: Confused With RPG

Post by MrMario March 13th 2009, 11:55 pm

Since we have two topics open I will lock one.


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