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    Order of topics

    New Member

    Female Posts : 4
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    Order of topics Empty Order of topics

    Post by Mzlaki April 19th 2007, 9:22 pm

    Can I change the order of topics in a forum?
    Right now I have something like this:
    topic 4
    topic 3
    topic 2

    I would like to reorder them, so they are in ascending sequence.

    Thanks! Hello

    Order of topics Empty Re: Order of topics

    Post by Wiegraf April 20th 2007, 2:52 am

    Hello and welcome.

    Because you are new, here are useful links where you can look for answers :

    Arrow Frequently Asked Questions
    Arrow List of the Frequently Asked Questions' topics
    Arrow Tricks & Tips
    Arrow List of the Tricks & Tips topics
    Arrow The Search feature
    Arrow The FAQ of Editboard.com

    Moreover, if you don't find the answer for your question, don't hesitate to open a new topic since this section is made for this !

    .::To answer to your question ::.

    The last-answered topic will be at the top, we can't change that sorry Confused

    You could stick some of them to keep them at the top if you want Smile
    Simply edit the topics' first post, the click on the Order of topics Tabs_more next to options, and select "Announcement" or "Sticky" Wink
    New Member

    Female Posts : 4
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English

    Order of topics Empty Re: Order of topics

    Post by Mzlaki April 20th 2007, 11:16 am

    Hi! Of course, I have tried to find the answer browsing through the support forum, but couldn't Order of topics Mouais

    Anyway, thanks! Order of topics C017

    I guess I can post on those topics and lock them later, so they stay in the order I wanted them to be..... thumright