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specific threads for each of the updates.

3 posters

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An designated topic only for each of the updates

specific threads for each of the updates. Left11100%specific threads for each of the updates. Right11 100% 
[ 3 ]
specific threads for each of the updates. Left110%specific threads for each of the updates. Right11 0% 
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specific threads for each of the updates. Empty specific threads for each of the updates.

Post by Toddseahawks March 19th 2009, 2:27 am

How about a specific thread for each of the new updates. The topic only thread is all over the place, and hard to get a handle on it! Example: Points can stick to Q&A's about that update only.This should help bring some sanity and comfort i belive.

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specific threads for each of the updates. Empty Re: specific threads for each of the updates.

Post by MrMario March 19th 2009, 2:45 am

It would be nice but the problem is that people still wont post in the right section, still be everywhere. But Typlo made a topic Only For The New Updates. So we have to have everyone post in there. Good suggestion for the next update that we get.

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specific threads for each of the updates. Empty Re: specific threads for each of the updates.

Post by Caihlem March 22nd 2009, 9:37 pm

This a feature more then an idea

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