Widget preventing others from showing Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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2 posters

    Widget preventing others from showing


    Male Posts : 444
    Reputation : 3
    Language : Whatever you speak
    Location : woaclan.tk

    Widget preventing others from showing Empty Widget preventing others from showing

    Post by cclloyd9785 April 3rd 2009, 11:17 pm

    <html><marquee onmouseover="this.setAttribute('scrollamount', 0, 0);" onmouseout="this.setAttribute('scrollamount', 3, 0);">

    <iframe src="http://gamebattles.com/cards/team/2712062/green" width="220" height="135" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no">Wii Ownage Army</iframe><iframe src="http://gamebattles.com/cards/team/2848916/black" width="220" height="135" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no">[WOA]B0MB</iframe>

    <iframe src="http://gamebattles.com/cards/team/3232624/black" width="220" height="135" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no">Uber Squadron</iframe>

    <iframe src="http://gamebattles.com/cards/team/3260393/black" width="220" height="135" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no">cclloyd9785</iframe>

    <iframe src="http://gamebattles.com/cards/team/3537630/black" width="220" height="135" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no">(Got Nuttz?) (GoatNuttz)<iframe src="http://gamebattles.com/cards/team/3241292/green" width="220" height="135" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no">Wii Ownage Army</iframe>

    <iframe src="http://gamebattles.com/cards/team/3237524/black" width="220" height="135" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no">Ownialators</iframe>

    <iframe src="http://gamebattles.com/cards/team/3246438/black" width="220" height="135" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no">AuraForce</iframe>

    <iframe src="http://gamebattles.com/cards/team/3249836/black" width="220" height="135" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no">cclloyd9785</iframe>

    <iframe src="http://gamebattles.com/cards/team/3248038/black" width="220" height="135" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no">Grimblade</iframe> </marquee></html>

    That is a marquee of many gamebattle cards and when i put them on the portal, any widgets under them including if i put it on the header, nothing else shows up, whats wrong?

    Male Posts : 6823
    Reputation : 234
    Language : idk

    Widget preventing others from showing Empty Re: Widget preventing others from showing

    Post by Rok April 3rd 2009, 11:24 pm

    Did you try the Homepage Message?

    Also, an HTML Page will work fine for this.

    Male Posts : 444
    Reputation : 3
    Language : Whatever you speak
    Location : woaclan.tk

    Widget preventing others from showing Empty Re: Widget preventing others from showing

    Post by cclloyd9785 April 3rd 2009, 11:32 pm

    yea but we just want it to scroll across the top. it was workin fine the other day

    Male Posts : 6823
    Reputation : 234
    Language : idk

    Widget preventing others from showing Empty Re: Widget preventing others from showing

    Post by Rok April 3rd 2009, 11:36 pm

    Try using another browser to see if it's working okay since you said that it was working before. Also, do any of your members see the same problem as you?