Why is the person's profile/avatar off the screen when I click on a post? Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    Why is the person's profile/avatar off the screen when I click on a post?


    Posts : 28
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    Language : english

    Solved Why is the person's profile/avatar off the screen when I click on a post?

    Post by uberready April 16th 2009, 9:11 pm

    I went threw the help section's 1st and checked back a few page's in this section.

    I don't know why it just started happening ;(

    :wouhou: I don't know what happened now, should be my last question, I can't remember how it happened, I even made another board and it's displaying the same way.

    Everything is fine on the board, but when you click a topic and read the post, the person's avatar is off the page. Here are some link's for screen shot's i took, that might pin point the problem ?

    here's a picture you can see how it cut's off the profile's on the left hand side, i thouhgt it was my browser for some reason so i formated =/ , but it didn't fix it Crying or Very sad


    here's another of everything i think i could have edited, whats the defualt Avatar setting , i made it smaller to make sure that wasn't the problem either.


    Last edited by uberready on April 16th 2009, 10:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 28
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english

    Solved Re: Why is the person's profile/avatar off the screen when I click on a post?

    Post by uberready April 16th 2009, 9:29 pm

    Here is another link of a brand new board, same thing


    I can't figure this out, I formated my comp also, because this all just started happening so i thought it was some setting maybe in IE, that changed, I use IE btw, anything think it's some internet explorer thing?

    Also I'm sure this can't be the 1st time something like this has happened, I just couldn't find a post about it blackeye

    Posts : 28
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    Language : english

    Solved Re: Why is the person's profile/avatar off the screen when I click on a post?

    Post by uberready April 16th 2009, 9:35 pm

    Other's are saying they see the site just fine, Oh my god , but why did it just happen/ still happening to me ;( , i even formated. this is odd bwi

    Posts : 28
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english

    Solved Re: Why is the person's profile/avatar off the screen when I click on a post?

    Post by uberready April 16th 2009, 9:57 pm

    wow, that's all i can really say..All's I had to do was minimize then resize the window and it worked, idk sound's like im dumb and this is simple but I don't ever remember running into this problem. :wouhou:

    Female Posts : 6203
    Reputation : 128
    Language : English

    Solved Re: Why is the person's profile/avatar off the screen when I click on a post?

    Post by Nessa April 16th 2009, 11:20 pm

    As this problem has been resolved, I will lock this topic now.

    => Locked