mini profile under the avatar on post is not showing. Hitskin_logo

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    mini profile under the avatar on post is not showing.

    New Member

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    mini profile under the avatar on post is not showing. Empty mini profile under the avatar on post is not showing.

    Post by drjekyl January 19th 2009, 5:43 pm

    Hello i have recently been helping my freind design his page. its
    Everything seemed to have come out smoothe except one thing.The Info under the Avatars when people post is not showing unless you high lite it.I cant find the option to change this box.None of the options i have come accross are affecting it either.Is there a fix for this .Plz help

    Ok i was able to fix this , but only by switching my format ,still am unable to get it to work right on invision or any other format than the one currently being used.