To Have 2 ranks (Special ranks + Post count ranks) Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    To Have 2 ranks (Special ranks + Post count ranks)

    New Member

    Male Posts : 11
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    Language : croatian

    To Have 2 ranks (Special ranks + Post count ranks) Empty To Have 2 ranks (Special ranks + Post count ranks)

    Post by 13it3.RoCroX Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:03 pm

    Is it possible to get a *Special Rank* (eg. Administrator), and than add a post count rank like Stars for a certain number of posts.

    Becouse i've added a special rank to my users, and added "non special rank" and set it post count to get it.
    And i don't see results.


    Male Posts : 474
    Reputation : 8
    Language : Romanian, English
    Location : Pitesti, Romania

    To Have 2 ranks (Special ranks + Post count ranks) Empty Re: To Have 2 ranks (Special ranks + Post count ranks)

    Post by Lizzard Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:21 am

    When you create a special rank, you must put it to one user you want.
    For create a normal rank, who grow when the user post new messages go in:
    Administration Panel=>Users&roups=>Ranks=>Rank Administration=>Add new rank=>Set as special rank=>No
    Minimum posts=>Set there the minimum post when the users get that rank.For exemple 20.When one user get 20 posts, he/she get that rank.
    I hope that resolve you.