How do I change the Colors for my Group Colors for Mods and Admin? Hitskin_logo

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3 posters

    How do I change the Colors for my Group Colors for Mods and Admin?


    Posts : 70
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    Language : English

    How do I change the Colors for my Group Colors for Mods and Admin? Empty How do I change the Colors for my Group Colors for Mods and Admin?

    Post by Pinky87 Mon 20 Apr - 19:56

    I have been having problems changing my colors for my Admin Group it stays White when I want to change it and the Mod stays black so how do I change them to the colors I want!!

    Male Posts : 474
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    Language : Romanian, English
    Location : Pitesti, Romania

    How do I change the Colors for my Group Colors for Mods and Admin? Empty Re: How do I change the Colors for my Group Colors for Mods and Admin?

    Post by Lizzard Mon 20 Apr - 20:46

    Administration Panel=>Users&Groups=>Groups=>Group administration=>Select one group=>Modify=>Group members color=>Select one color.
    =>Group members color=>Push Yes=>Save.

    Male Posts : 48766
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    Location : Mumbai

    How do I change the Colors for my Group Colors for Mods and Admin? Empty Re: How do I change the Colors for my Group Colors for Mods and Admin?

    Post by Sanket Tue 21 Apr - 18:21