Smileys lagging want to get rid of them. Hitskin_logo

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    Smileys lagging want to get rid of them.

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    Smileys lagging want to get rid of them. Empty Smileys lagging want to get rid of them.

    Post by Jemcrystal Mon Apr 27, 2009 11:21 am

    On this forum here the smileys loaded really quick and they are over there on the right side of the page. My smileys appear on the left side of the page and they take forever to load. How do I remove the Emoticon Smily Box?
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    Smileys lagging want to get rid of them. Empty Re: Smileys lagging want to get rid of them.

    Post by Carryn Mon Apr 27, 2009 11:26 am

    Admin panel>General>messages and emails>configuration>
    Allow smilies : NO

    did you try that?