Lagging issue! Hitskin_logo

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3 posters

    Lagging issue!


    Male Posts : 447
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    Lagging issue! Empty Lagging issue!

    Post by PlatinumWata December 22nd 2010, 1:25 pm

    My forum has been lagging, so times it ok but most time it takes about 1 minute to load a page when you click on something.

    Its faster using Internet Explorer, but using Safari, and Google Chrome makes it slow. And even with Exploere its still slow.

    I have cleared my cache, so dont suggest that.


    Male Posts : 11037
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    Lagging issue! Empty Re: Lagging issue!

    Post by kirk December 22nd 2010, 2:13 pm

    it could be a number of things, could be your Internet provider, your computer or things like adware or spyware in your computer.

    Make sure everthing is up to date and run all your scans to get out anything that may be slowing your computer down.

    This is a good program to use and is free. this will clean up and remove anything you may have in your system and also cleans the registry.
    So it could be a number if things.. but the first thing would be to make sure everthing is up to date and you do not have anything in your computer slowing it down.. you can also defragment your computer as well if that has not been down in a wile?

    Glary Utilities

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    Lagging issue! Empty Re: Lagging issue!

    Post by Jophy December 22nd 2010, 2:46 pm

    Link to your forum so we can check?