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Background problem- It won't expand

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Background problem- It won't expand Empty Background problem- It won't expand

Post by chocolate_panda Tue 28 Apr 2009 - 18:59

I was trying to upload a new background onto my forum. When I upload it, it allows me to, but it doesn't show on my forum. I learned that you have to set your background color to white, so when I did that. It still doesn't work. There is a small strip of background (the background is small). I remember their was a page where you can set your background option, such as it having you to expand the background. Can anyone help me stretch it out please?

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Background problem- It won't expand Empty Re: Background problem- It won't expand

Post by Rok Tue 28 Apr 2009 - 21:01

You can stretch it via MS Paint. Or, just request it in the Graphics Design section of the forum.

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